Am I a horrible human being because my first thought when I walked into the Skyway this morning was, "Fucking bell ringers!"? I don't think so because they are just another reminder of the cacophony of bullshit I'll be forced to listen to for the next month. KDWB did a full day of their self-congratulatory Christmas Wishes on Monday and I just got a headache. I hate that people who have been broke every other day this year are suddenly freaking out about how they are going to get through the holidays. I'm broke and I will tell you how I am going to do it. By being just as cheap and penny-pinching as I've been every other day this year. Maybe I'll send out holiday cards, maybe I won't. If I have the time, patience, energy, and yarn (well, I know I have the yarn), the Babies might get some hats and purses, but even that's not guaranteed.
Why am I ranting about Christmas? I don't even celebrate. I'm letting it go right now.
Today feels like a Thursday. It should feel like a Friday since it's on the edge of a long weekend, but it's got that long, bleak Thursday feel. I was thiiiiiiis close to calling in this morning, but then figured why bother. I'd just sit at home all day watching court shows and hating my neighbors.
I got adventurous this weekend and busted out the old video cassette recorder to watch movies. Well, I didn't actually have to bust it out since I have a DVD-recorder/VCR combo. So I guess I busted out the old VHS tapes is more like it. All my podcast listening has really reignited my love of horror movies which I think has been sorely damaged by the ass sandwiches modern horror serves up.
First, I watched the TV-edit of Halloween. You may or may not know that when it aired on television back in the day, they added a couple extra scenes to pad out the running time. Neither of the scenes is integral, but they do add a bit of background to the Loomis/Michael story. So yeah I watched that and totally loved it, especially since even the video is in Widescreen (as all movies should be). One of these days I'm gonna do my own little recap of that movie.
I followed that up with Creepshow which I hadn't seen in ages and kind of forgot I owned until I went to put Halloween back. That movie is so much fun. It features five stories in the vein of the old E.C. Comics, all written by Stephen King. Lots of awesome big names in it before big names demanded no-kill clauses if they deigned to be in a horror film. Lastly, I viewed one of my old staples, Terror in the Aisles which is a sort of horror clip show hosted by the awesome that is Donald Pleasance and Nancy Allen. I still don't recognize a few of the films featured and it's debatable whether some of the ones that are should be considered horror (looking at you, Marathon Man), but I do love that little flick. I almost lost it to a tape-eating VCR once, but we are still together.
Okay, my breaks over. Back to watching the clock and counting the minutes. Later, turkeys.
Nerd Alert!
5 days ago