I left my wallet on the bus this morning. The bus company says it hasn't been turned in and the driver didn't see it around the seat I was in. Only mildly freaked out since I am po' making the ATM cards useless. Luckily I just happened to have a paycheck from my other job (and it was too big to fit in my wallet so it was just at the bottom of my purse). It also doesn't hurt to work at the DMV and be able to quickly apply for a duplicate license. Still, I don't have my Metro Pass (I have to pay cash to get home!) or my library card (I can't renew books online) or my Best Buy Reward Zone card (I had to be close to a discount certificate). I hope some honest soul found it and quickly dropped it in a mailbox and that the post office people don't rifle through and take what little valuable stuff is in there. But I think everyone is a dishonest asshole, so I'm chalking it all up as a loss.
You know what's funny? I actually had forgotten my wallet at my first bus stop, so I had to rush home to get it before the next bus came which I was worried I had missed which would make me miss the connection but it turned out it was a bit early and the connection ended up being late.
Nerd Alert!
5 days ago