So I'm pretty sure I didn't get that BCA position I bid on back in November. I still haven't gotten official word. I learned from another CoW who talked to the other person who bid on the position. According to my CoW, Other Candidate said she got offered the post and that she thinks she only got it because she has more seniority. I'm going with that because it makes me feel better to say she is not better than me. I mean, how much Law & Order does she watch?
But seriously, there is some bullshit going down. Our unit is dealing with some major bullshit involving shitty employees who can't be fired for being shitty employees because they are protected under our union contract. (Ex: you are a shitty employee when you take 6 weeks off work because of the "stress" brought on by planning the wedding you browbeat your fiance into having. This same employee was taking 2 or 3 days a week off prior to that because of the "stress" brought on by the lack of a proposal by her fiance. And you know how she is getting away with it? She doctor-shopped to find someone who would say she was stressed so she could get time off under the Family Medical Leave Act.) It's that sort of shit as well as good workers being passed over because they have less time in the organization (not less experience) and the extreme nepotism and buddy-bumping that goes on around here that really pisses me off.
I think I've mentioned before that my boss loves me. I have been offered opportunities for advancement in our unit which would really fall under the buddy-bumping. Positions that technically should be posted for everyone to apply instead have people just magically moved over. My cross-training presumably could have lead to a bump without formal application. I know it happens everywhere, but it doesn't cheese me off any less, particularly when it involves people who SUCK (CoWorker I Hate and King of Getting into Yelling Matches with Customers Dark Roots Derrick are now Team Leads even though both are really terrible at customer service/people skills) and when I'm one of the folks getting screwed.
What? Isn't everyone okay with stuff until it negatively affects them. At least, I'm honest.
But I'm only a little bitter. Okay, I'm a lot bitter.
Nerd Alert!
5 days ago