Yesterday, I decided to hit the Grand City Buffet in St. Louis Park for the delicious buffet, then go next door to Target to pick up a few things. Once at Target, I grabbed a can of hairspray, then wandered over to the Electronics section...just to look around. I checking out the TVs when I notice sign that said "Temporary price cut" to the price of $249 in front of a 32" Westinghouse LCD television. I contemplated for a good while, long enough to miss my bus before deciding to give Bean a call, allegedly to talk me out of buying it (and potentially to coax her into buying it). Well, that didn't work out.
She decided to pick me up at St. Louis Park and drive me out to Roseville to comparison shop at Best Buy. If I couldn't find a similar deal at Best Buy, we could hopefully find the same deal at Roseville's SuperTarget. I had to wait around for 30 minutes not buying that TV while she came to get me. While waiting I checked to see if Best Buy had anything similar on line (they did not) and had pretty much made up my mind to buy it.
Once Bean arrived, we made our first foray over to Best Buy. We went straight back to TVs and browsed for a goodly while. The only thing similar to what I saw at Target was a Dynex 32" for $269. While I'm checking those out, Bean notices a Dynex 40" TV for $399. And what do you know? She wants it!
So having NOT found a similar or comparable deal at Best Buy. We head BACK to Target where I purchase the $249 TV. While doing that Bean decides that she does want that 40" after all. So we go back over to Best Buy where she purchases one similar to the one she wanted (it was only for display). While Brad (his name was Brad) was ringing her up, I mentioned that I had just bought a TV from Target. Brad tells me, I should have told him and he could have gotten me a better deal. I told him he still could.
So once he finished ringing Bean's TV up, we got to talking. Because Best Buy did not have the Westinghouse TV, Brad offered me that Dynex 32" I had been eyeballing early for $5 less than I had paid at Target. Well, because I love me some Best Buy SO MUCH (I really do! No snark!) and I could add a protection plan AND get Reward Zone points, I decided to take him up on the offer (once I shifted some $$ around in my bank accounts).
So Bean and I went BACK to Target where I returned the TV I had purchased less than an hour before, went to her house and set up her TV, went BACK to Best Buy where Brad hooked me up with my second TV purchase of the day, went to dinner at Outback Steakhouse (mmmmm, steaaaaaaaak), then went to my house where we set up my new TV.
The initial setup was relatively easy, but because of the wonkie-ness with the many devices I have, I spent a couple hour reconfiguring and trying things. I now have only the blu-ray player and the cable box hooked up. I love my DVD/VCR, but now that I have the blu-ray player, it's kinda useless. My Roku on the other hand, is hanging out in my bedroom which is fine and all, but it doesn't have HDMI which means the picture isn't as nice which means...well, it means I need to buy another blu-ray player. I have one with built-in Wi-Fi and a good chunk of the apps I want in my Cart at Amazon. And I'd have already bought it, if not for the fact that I have to wait for Target to return my money for that other TV. This impulse buying thing is just crazy.
So that was my Sunday.
Nerd Alert!
5 days ago