OMG!!! Has it really been 7 months since my last post? Yikes! What the heck have I been doing? It sucks that I don't have the motivation to journal or blog like I used to. Maybe it's because my life is boring. Except I have read some of my old journals; my life was pretty boring then. But I did stuff this weekend, so I will blog about it.
I stayed home from work Friday because I was not in the mood to deal with anybody at work. They survived. I biked over to Gorkha Palace for their lunch buffet which was really good, then went and saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes at the newly remodeled St. Anthony Main theatre. The movie was good, but I like Rise better. Anyway, after, I rode a bit more then went home and chilled. My internet was being evil because that's how Comcast products work, so instead of YouTube, I watched Play Misty For Me and something called Deranged before just going to bed.
Saturday was Tour de Fat in Loring Park. I walked through on my way to the office just to scope it out. Once I finished work, the Tour only had a little less than an hour left, so I walked up to the CC Club instead. There were a number of surprisingly friendly people there at the bar, including a couple of the barkeeps. Tory also came in for a bit. I drank a bit more than I intended, then drunkenly NiceRided home and promptly passed out by 10:30.
Sunup day was the Sociable Northeast Brewers Block Party. I was already planning to go to that, them Rebecca called and asked if I wanted to go to that and the Nordeast Open Streets event with her. So I met her and Dave at Grumpy's and we rode over. Open Streets was fine. I had fresh squeezed mango juice. We came, we saw, we walked to Sociable.
That was a little bit of a hot-mess. Super long lines for food and drinks. We waited about 30 minutes to get A beer. (Well, smarty pants Dave slammed a cider then quickly ordered a 2nd beer.). Sabrina and Mickey showed up and got served inside almost immediately and they didn't have to buy stupid wristbands. It was just disorganized. I commented on it in the FB event page and Sociable commented back that they underestimated tuen out by relying on FB RSVPs. Hopefully, next year will be better.
So, we left there and went to the Mill. We had terrible service (Dave was served the wrong beer; server forgot to put in our initial food order; server failed to own up to his screw up sufficiently), but it was still a good time. Oh, and I saw Rick and Cheri whom I hadn't seen in AGES! So cool!
After the Mill we headed over to Grumpy's to say hi to Skille and drink, of course. Again, nothing spectacular, but just a good time hanging out with my friend whom I don't hang out with enough anymore.
Since last I blogged, I have quit smoking (almost 7 full months now); moved (now in Elliot Park); started biking (NiceRide, but I think I'll be getting my own bike here pretty soon); and upped my wig-making game (it's all about the hot glue gun now).
That's about it. Still no real action on the dating front. I might actually start blogging my experiences with online dating. I don't mention them on FB because well, maybe I'm a little embarrassed. But also, I got family following me over there. It doesn't matter though, because there hasn't been much to blog about. I have gone on a couple of dates the last few months, but nothing has stuck. It's kinda weird doing the online thing. You don't want to chat online toooooo much because it seems like you risk running out of things to talk about when you finally decided to meet. However, you do want to spend some time chatting to be sure you even want to meet in the first place. Some of the apps don't help and they seem to be getting even more unhelpful because they want people to pay. I mean, I might star someone on OKC that I think is cute in his pics only to find out he's a Republican. That I might be able to deal with. The real issue is the number of people who claim they are in "open" relationships/marriages. Yeahnothanks. I get a lot of messages from the under 28 and the just over 50 set. Only a couple of gross "I love black chicks" types. I've been called a bitch when I didn't message back and once when I did message back that I was not interested. Most guys have been cool with it. Oh, there was that guy who sent this long sadsack screed when I sent the "Thanks, but I'm not interested" about how it was fine, but he was really bummed because I seemed like a girl that deserved a really nice guy like him. What the fuck does that even mean?
So yeah. Online dating. It's an adventure.