Stop the insanity! These two articles have my head spinning.
Okay, see here is my problem with these Super-Christians: they are completely unwilling to acknowledge or accept that people have different religious beliefs. You are either Christian like them--exactly like them--or you don't exist (like gays in sports and the military and sexually active teenagers from middle class backgrounds and poor people who aren't on the government dole, but actually work and still can barely eek out a living). They are not even willing to allow for attempts at inclusion of others, inclusions that in no way impede on their ability to celebrate the holiday. These people are so scary they have me defending Wal-Mart (I KNOW!!!) which does not REQUIRE it's creepy greeters to say "Merry Christmas", but allows them to chose the greeting they feel is appropriate.
And what are decorations that are "clearly Christmas"? Is it the red-nosed reindeer, the candy canes, or the drunk guy in the red suit breaking into your house through the chimney? Or maybe she means those weird tableaus of the 3 Wise Guys standing around leering at Mary and her "immaculately conceived" child. Things that seem to say Christmas to me: stress, maxed out credit cards, bratty kids demanding overpriced toys/shoes/games they really haven't earned and don't deserve but mommy-and-daddy want to show they really love the little buggers so they'll buy 'em whatever they want, and commercials that feed on the hollowness of your soul and tell you to spend money to feel alive and part of the holiday season.
And what difference does it make if the freakin' tree is called a: 'holiday' tree? Did I miss the part where all evergreens are Christmas trees? I think the only trees that are specifically Christmas trees are the ones people bring into their homes and dub "Christmas trees". Otherwise it's just another f-ing tree. I can cut down a birch tree, stick it in my living room, toss some lights on it and call it a "Christmas tree" can't I? Would I be breaking some rule of Christmas celebrating? Who enforces the Rules of Christmas Celebration? These rules are the ones that require TNT to show 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" and Lifetime to air crappy Hallmark-y movies about finding the "true meaning of Christmas" through homelessness, broken-hearts, and child abuse. These rules say you must give those dented cans of green beans you've had in your cupboard for about 3 years to the church food drive down the block because some people can't even afford to give their loved one a Jetta for Christmas, let alone a Lexus.
Well, I'm a rule breaker. I HATE "A Christmas Story" with a PASSION (and "It's a Wonderful Life" too *shudder*). I hate Lifetime movies about happy feelings, preferring stories of Judith Light and Cheryl Ladd being wrongfully convicted of drug smuggling or husband murdering then sent to a pansy-ass women's prison where they teach all the 'tough' black women to read while fighting to see their bratty kids. And I specifically don't make donations at this time of year because I hate the way people act like this is the most important time in the world to be concerned about hunger or homelessness as opposed to the other 364 days of the freakin' year. (I did break that rule sorta by donating to our food shelf the turkey/ham/fruitbasket my work gave each employee because...what the hell am I gonna do with a turkey/ham/fruitbasket.)
It would not be fair or reasonable to think that just because I don't celebrate Christmas that I should never have to hear or see anything about it (which I think some non-Christian types carry a bit overboard). I suck it up and realize that I live in a country, hell a world, where this little holiday is a big f-ing deal for a heck of a lot of people. Even us godless soulless heathens get caught up in it now and again (yes, I will be making my annual trip to Target for the Babies' gift cards and yes, I will be listening for the awful 80s Band-Aid song "Do They Know It's Christmas Time" and yes, thankyouverymuch for the 23rd and the 26th off). I am what some people might call tolerant. It's better than what others might say: beaten into submission.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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