Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I gots the goods!

Wheeeeee! I finally got season 4 of The Wire in the mail today (well, technically yesterday, but since I was standing at a bus stop while the postman was dropping it off, I didn't pick 'er up until this morning). Dude, just looking at the cover art brings tears to my eyes knowing what those four kids are in store for this season. I know I have harped on this over and over and over again some more, but this show is absolutely brilliant. I can hardly put into words just how awesome it is. While all the critics were wetting their pants over The Sopranos, this show just quietly kept getting better and better. You won't hear too many folks griping about "uneven" or even "pointless" seasons of The Wire because so far, all four seasons have been fucking amazing.

Netflix it! Blockbuster it! Beg for it for Xmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or your birthday or an apology gift! Heck, BET it! (BET runs horribly dubbed and edited episodes when not running its ripoffs of other shows (College Hill = Real World for black kids; Hell Date = Blind Date meets Punked with a dwarf in a devil costume) and that Keyshia Cole show...which I find totally fascinating because well, her mom's a former crackhead and gets hella mad whenever anyone brings that up and her sister's husband had an affair with her cousin and Girlfriend is mighty p*ssed about that and the whole family is trying to encourage her to get back with him for the kids' sake ugh! and Keyshia, her mom, and her sis cuss each other out all the time and it's kind of awesome). Just…I suggest you watch The Wire is what I'm saying.

And then go to TWoP and read the recaps because they are hi-larious!!!

Speaking of which, I'm gonna go see what they thought of last night's crappy episode of SVU. Gloria Reuben looked amazing (I have always liked her) and she should replace stupid Casey every episode. Rumor is that Diane Neal is pregnant (which might explain her matronly wardrobe this season). Spoiler alert if you didn't watch last night!!! Who didn't know that white woman was guilty the minute she stepped on screen? She just talked all sorts of shady. Oh, and Ice-T could give Method (Actor) Man a few tips on how not to chew scenery. Somehow he does okay as Cheese on The Wire (okay, I will stop talking about that show right now. Watch it! Okay, right now), I personally never saw How High so I'm not sure how well he displayed his thespianic powers there, and he's still better than some other musicians I've seen on shows (Treach!). But he's no Ludacris.

Oh and Law & Order is coming back…on Wednesdays…where it belongs...with Jeremy Sisto...and no Branch. Woohoo! I bet that guy who decided to move the show to Fridays last season is looking for work. He should be anyway. So the second half of the TV season won't be all "Can You Beat the Lie Detector" and "My Choir Is Better Than Your Choir".

On right now: TNT is showing that episode of L&O with Toothy Roberts. Eeek! Followed by an airing of Pretty Woman. She plays a whore in both(one more literal than the other). Art imitating life?

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