"I am the anti-racist because I am the only candidate -- Republican or Democrat -- who would protect the minority against these vicious drug laws." - Ron Paul
Um, does he not realize that his anti-racist statement is itself kinda racist? I mean, "the minority"? Who is that? I want to meet him or her? And yeah, drug laws do affect those in non-white and poor communities more, but that really isn't the MAJOR concern of most of those communities. I'm thinking schools, employment, housing, crime (drugs included) would take some precedence. I could be wrong since I'm not the minority.
And I really kind of hate it when people claim that they are "incapable" of being racist. Frankly, I think that term is overused. Most times the more accurate term might be "bigot." Anybody can be a bigot. In this case, the racist label applies. The comments about picking up welfare checks and carjacking whitey for sport sound like the rants of some backwards Klan wizard circa 1950.
Either he said these things which makes him a racist or he allowed someone else to use his name to promote these kinds of views which makes him a moron. Either way, I don't think we want him in the White House.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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