So Liberty Mutual has this series of commercials featuring people "doing the right thing". It's kind of like passing down random acts of kindness. A woman sees a guy open the door for someone else; she later grabs a guy before he walks into oncoming traffic. Some guy sees someone walk an old lady across the street; he later saves a ball from rolling into the street for some kids playing. Etc. The commercials make it seem like these little acts are anything other than human nature. I don't even like most of humankind, but even I wouldn't let some inattentive dummy stroll in front of a rolling UPS truck.
Well, one commercial features a mom picking up her kids from soccer practice. She tells them to hurry because "dad's at the airport". There's one other kid, Billy, there and she asks if he's okay. He says his dad is on the way. She looks worried, but drives off. We see Billy sitting on the bleachers waiting like a red-headed bastard stepchild, then headlights shine on him and his little face lights up. It's mom and her kids come sit with him while he waits for his dad. I should note that there seems to be a time change. It was clearly late afternoon when she picked up her kids, but it's probably early evening when she comes back. So maybe a half-hour to an hour has passed. The commercial thinks it shows a person "doing the right thing". I think it shows a whole lot of awful parenting.
Did she drive to the airport to get her husband and THEN come back to find little Billy still sitting there? Or did she decide to let hubby pull a Tom Hanks and stay at the airport until they were good and ready to get him? I suppose abandoning a grown man in an airport isn't as bad as leaving a 10-year-old alone in a park to ponder why his daddy doesn't love him. Still, instead of sitting IN THE DARK with him, why didn't she call his dad and tell him she was taking Billy home so he wouldn't be sitting there like Predator-bait? Don't cellphones exist in Liberty Mutual's universe? (Oh, that's right. They do because that guy who almost walked into traffic was texting. But he was one of the yutes.)
And where the hell is Billy's dad? Did he forget to pick up his kid? That's like those parents who forget their babies in their cars every damn year! I'm not a parent, but I'd like to believe there are some things you just don't forget.
Can you tell I loathe this commercial?
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
1 comment:
I personally HATE the latest Liberty Mutual commercials due to their abhoringly stupid imagery and lack of reasoning.I critique a lot of commercials and this latest campaign takes the "I am so stupid I backed into a car and turned it into an accordian or my neighbor is basically watching as I saw a huge branch off that falls onto his car and does'nt MOVE his car and I don't tell him of impending danger, etc." It is so retarded that it can't be funny and if you laugh you have a room temperature I.Q. and Brrrrr is it cold!! To Me it makes people look stupid beyond funny, beyond a reason to buy anything Liberty Mutual has to offer...That's just me....Spencer K. Wass
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