Another victim of the Kennedy curse? Not so fast, Yahoo! While you feel the inexplicable need to recount all the previous Kennedy deaths, you fail to note one thing: Ted's illness is not exactly untimely. The man is 76 and a tumor is a sorta "natural" cause. It's kinda stretching things to try to link this with the deaths of his brothers.
So I was tooling around Jezebel yesterday when I came across this blog which links to a very scary article about purity balls. That sounds dirty, and really it is when you think about it. Jezzie's Dodai does a fine job of expressing the indignation and repugnance that we should all feel at this, but I gots my own piece to add.
There is something inherently wrong about a father being so invested in his daughter's sexual behavior that he would get all dressed up, drag her to a prom-like event, and then expect her to promise not to have sex on his behalf. Ew ew ew ew ewwwwww! Wouldn't the smarter thing be to ensure that one has a close enough relationship with his daughter, that she is comfortable talking to him about her feelings and concerns about boys/men and relationships. I mean, I know that some people probably don't think a girl should actually be talking to her dad about that sort of thing, but I'd like to believe that not all daddy/daughter relationships are evil.
Also, instead of demanding pledges and vows of chastity, how about Dad encourages his girl to be selective in her partnering , but also comfortable with herself and confident about her decision-making? Dads also might want to consider taking their boys out and making sure they learn the proper way to treat women and that they aren't rapist psychos with Madonna/whore complexes.
The blog also links to another article about second-generation virginity. This is the concept whereby big fat whorebags can wipe out their extensive sexual history by spiritually (or in some cases, medically) renewing their hymen. It really says something about a society where people are made to feel so badly about their sexuality that they would go to these extremes to remake themselves. Maybe it's just the circle I run with, but I honestly would be freaked out if I met some guy at my age who was all like, "You've never been married and you're not a virgin." And I'd probably poke him in the eye with a crochet hook if he expected me to pretend I was for his fragile (demented) psyche.
I read both of these articles (1) after having a conversation with Rebecca about the purity party thing and (2) after watching Teeth this weekend. Have you seen it? It is the awesummme. You may have heard a wee bit of buzz about it last year. Well, I'll give you the two word premise: vagina dentata. Now, go rent it! Go! Now!
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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