So I went in for my much-anticipated interview with the Sheriff's Office yesterday and totally screwed it up. I mean, bad. I got all gussied up and kicked ass on the typing test and totally bit it in the interview. I couldn't think straight. I kept repeating myself and saying 'um' and ending my sentences in 'so, yeah' which is bad. At one point I realized just how badly I was doing and mumbled (possibly loud enough for the interviewers to hear), "Oh, god!" I knew my interview skills were rusty, but holy christ. I could barely explain to them what I do at my current job. That was my third interview with Hennepin County and I am almost positive at least two of the three women interviewing me yesterday had been in one of the previous interviews. I think I might just hang up my Hennepin County resume. Perhaps it's time to consider the private sector. There is a posting for a position with the BCA but it's not on the same "pay grade" as me, so I can't apply for it yet. I think it's actually lower than me, but frankly, I would take less money to not be working here. Hindsight is indeed 20/20 and in hindsight, I really wish I had taken more advantage of the time I did work there.
To drown my sorrows, I decided to go to the mall and see My Bloody Valentine again. It wasn't quite as cool as the last time because there was one other couple there (sitting in my spot from last time). Seeing it for the 3rd time did give me a chance to really look at some of the plot flaws of the movie. (It's spoiler time right were warned.) Like Tom supposedly locking himself in that cage after killing that one guy. Um, exactly where did he have his "Harry Warden clothes" because he was in a regular jumpsuit before. And where did he put the stuff since the flashback shows him taking it off in the case. How about that pickaxe he used to jam the lock on that cage?
There is also the ridiculousness of the girls at the store. First of all, which part of "killer roaming about town" don't you get? Why are you going to investigate some random noise you heard in the store? Your husband is the goddamn sheriff. Get the hell out and call him and his cop buddies to investigate.
Yeah, there a few plot holes in this movie, but I didn't love it any less. The 3D still kicked ass. I still jumped at some spots. I still had more fun watching the credits for this movie than sitting through all of the F13 remakening.
Lunch breaks over. Back to the grind.
BTW, in yarn projects, I'm working on a cute little mousy hat for baby Dominik.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
I feel your pain. I hated interviews, so glad I have my own business now. Sad thing is, I make less and less money every year and I fear that I may have to get another job in a couple years. Boy do I fear that interview process and being 38 will make it tougher. Nobody wants to hire an old fart like me anymore.
Your a great Lady, and they don't deserve you if they can't see past your rusty interview skills.
I suck at the interviews, as well. That's why I don't have a better position at my job that I COULD'VE... and in my opinion, should've... had a few years back. But still, you would've made a kick-ass addition, and it's their loss for not getting you as part of the team.
As for MBV3D, the more I think back on it, the more I realize it really IS only worth seeing for the 3D, because the movie sucks as a story-telling device. Oh well... We at least got some entertaining gore out of the deal, I got to look at Jaime King... which makes me happy, and we got Tom Atkins back in action. He's a damned Superman!
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