It's crazy what happens when you don't leave the house for two days. I have been ailing the last couple of days, so I stayed away from work. Until this morning, I hadn't left the house since about 10:30ish on Tuesday morning. I was way low on my FakeQuil, so I headed down to Target Downtown to stock up on that and orange juice and soup and other stuff-one-needs-when-she's-sick. Apparently, I completely missed any of the gas stations signs informing me that my precious Marlboro cigarettes are now a whopping $5.10 per pack (at SA). Actually, now that I think about it, there are not gas stations that would advertise that between my house and the downtown Target. But whatever! The point is that practically over-freakin'-night my cigarettes have gone up $.70 per pack. GodDAMN! That's so not cool. Fortunately, I have been cutting back on my nicotine intake. My doctor informed me that that is one of the 'side effects' of Wellbutrin and I gots no problem with that. Except the weight gain. I'm not one of those chicks who is all worried about being pencil-thin, but I am too poor to shop for new clothes, so I'll have to try to at least maintain my current weight if I'm going to actively quit this nasty habit. Which I would love to do and this is the perfect motivation because I'm broke and cheap and not interested in switching brands. So I hereby selecting a quit date of April 19. I will now consciously begin cutting back on my smoking, track my daily cigarette intake, stockpile my cigarette butts, and constantly hound myself about quitting. Hopefully, this time I can be done with the dastardly things for good and riddance.
I spent most of my sick time laid up on my couch watching court shows (of course). Did you know that former lawyer-to-the-Mob Bruce Cutler is now the "judge" on his own show? It's a hot mess called "Celebrity Jury" or "Celebrity Jury Duty" or maybe it's just "Jury Duty" but they have zzz-list celebrities on to judge the cases. The episode I saw featured some chick I've never seen before, one of the guys from Boyz to Men (I think it was the one with the deep voice), and walking plastic surgery nightmare Bruce Jenner. I have no idea what the case was about, and I didn't stick around too long to delve any further into it. I also got to see some woman pass out on The People's Court and listen to Judge Karen use my new favorite phrase "Stay in your lane; I know how to drive" which can't replace my "Mind your knitting" because technically, I really don't know how to drive. I still think it's sassy. Maybe I'll just use the first part.
I did watch other stuff (yay! Universal Monsters!), but now I'm back and work and need to get back to work. More later perhaps.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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