It's almost the end of the day and I don't feel like working anymore, so I figure I'll get all caught up with my blogging. I feel like I've been quite active and busy lately, and yet I can barely remember a lot of what I've done. I know I've been alot of time with my Friends with Babies lately. I got to hang with Heide at the Hostages show a couple of weeks ago which was cool. Last weekend, I went to a barbecue at D's where I got to oogle Baby D who is growing super-fast and already teething. Yikes! It was good to see him because I rarely ever do socially anymore. I had been seeing a lot of him because I was back and forth to the Mall with iPod issues and buying new phones. (Did I tell you I got an iPhone...'cause I did.) Anyway, there were babies, an cute teenagers forcing us to play kickball, and bbq. Yay!
I got to oogle even more babies yesterday as Jim and Sharriah had a bbq to introduce little Cooper to everyone. He is so tiny and adorable all curled up and wrinkly. Aww! Also there were Meghan, Hultman, and Azalea; Matt, Megan, Will, and Jack; and Andy, Nicole, and my new best friend Lila and her kickass pigtails and pink glasses. Babies! Yay!!!!
In other news, um, like, Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett both died on the same day and the world turned upside freakin' down. I'm still stunned by the death of Jacko. Needless to say, I have been a fan since I was a weeeeeee tyke. It was quite the blow to get that news from a tweet while on the bus home. The blow was not healed by some of the assiness that came out of people upon his death. Yeah, yeah. Skin bleaching, chimp-carrying, peodophile freak, right? Not when I was 12 he wasn't and that's the Michael Jackson that I loved and whose death I mourn. Also, he was acquitted which people seem to forget. What's the point of having a legal system wherein people are said to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law if upon a verdict of not guilty people will continue to assume one's guilt? Then again, I'm still bitter about that shit that went down in Simi Valley, so who am I to judge?
So that's been rough. I think I'm about Michael Jackson-ed out, not that it means anything because all the legal battles and shit that are about to go down are gonna keep this story in the news probably for months to come. I'll just try to ignore it all and listen to Thriller when the mood to remember Michael strikes.
I swear I've done other stuff. A few weeks ago I got it in my head to watch just about all of my John Carpenter movie collection with commentary again. It wasn't intentional. I just felt like listening to the Halloween commentary one day and then I felt like listening to The Fog and then The Thing and then Christine and it just went on. Meanwhile, I've been doing some major slackin' on my Netflix. I've had this one movie, The Cottage for almost 2 weeks and that ain't right. I'm gonna try to watch that tomorrow and get it in the mail on Wednesday so that I can hopefully get a new movie by Friday for our long 4th of July weekend.
For which I have no big plans. I was invited to a bbq at the Trickers which would be lovely because more babies. There is also that convention thing that OtherScott does every year for geeks like me who love horror & sci-fi movies (okay, I'm not as much a fan of the latter unless it's sci-fi horror). Mostly, I hope to get more laundry done and that it won't be so godawful hot.
That's it. You're caught up. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I can't think straight at this very moment as I feel like a ate a whole Thanksgiving dinner by myself. Sooooo sleepy all of a sudden. Ah, but only 10 minutes left here. Sweet.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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