So I just read (most of) an interview some dude did with Rob Zombie about H2. As I've said a few times before, I'm intrigued by the idea of this movie. I'm not gonna be one of those people who just will not see a remake on some kind of principle because occasionally, I might be surprised (MBV 3D, TCM). That isn't always the case (F13), but at least my hatred is based on something.
While I'm still not a fan of the first film or Rob Zombie in general for that matter, I really am gonna try to be open minded. The key for me is just ignoring the fact that it's a follow-up to his crappy remake. The interview makes it sound like Rob is trying to move his films away from the original series as much as possible. He isn't even using the classic theme (not that he used it very much or very effectively in the first movie). I don't have a problem with that. If he could change the characters' names, I'd be down with that too. But I think taking that theme which is SOOOOO associated with the original might help those JC diehards (like, say, ME!) deal with the fact that their beloved series has moved on to a whole new ball game.
For me the only chink in the armor now is Rob himself. I'm just not crazy about the man's work. It's a bit too stylized and referential. He says in the article that even though he uses folks who are popular within the genre he isn't really doing it on purpose because only genre fans would even notice. Umm, bullshit? That's the thing I dislike about him. He tries to come off so casually oblivious to his obvious pandering.
Anyway, I can't say I was thrilled with the soundtrack discussion either. Have any of the previous Halloween films even had a soundtrack? Egads! Soundtracks are a hit or miss thing with me. Too often the songs are just the latest claptrap put out by bands you won't hear from in a year or they're chockful of "cool" songs from the 60s & 70s that are supposed to tell you what to think/feel (or simply so you'll know what time period the movie is taking place in since you can't tell by the mutton chops and bell bottoms alone sometimes) because the filmmaker can't figure out how to do it her/himself.
Final thoughts:
Woohoo! Betsy Rue naked...again. I can't wait. (sarcasm, BTW)
The Internets didn't make me hate your reimagining, Rob. You made me hate it. (Although I'll agree there are some people who are predisposed to diss on it without seeing it simply because it's not JC's movie. And I'll admit to being one of those people dissing it before it came out back in '07. HOWEVER, seeing is believing and that movie sucked balls when I saw it in the theatre and it STILL was lappin' at them when I rented the director's cut DVD version a few months later.)
Who the fuck mixes up Clint Howard and Billy Bob Thornton?
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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