Things I want to punch in the face: Things I Want to Punch in the Face.
While I find many of the posts on this blog funny, this one really struck a nerve. Part of the reason it hit me is because the tabloids of late have been having a field day talking about how Angelina Jolie is turning her daughter Shiloh into a lesbian because she lets her dress like a "tomboy" and recently cut her hair short. Heavenforfend a little girl not have pigtails and wear pink frilly dresses everywhere.
The other part is the notion of some stranger having such a vested interest in the gender/identity of someone else's child. The writer SHOULD be embarrassed by her need to actually inquire about the name of this man's child, but decides that Dave Matthews committed the faux pas by allowing his son to have a "feminine" feature. That's none of her damn business! In this day and age, I don't understand why more people don't realize that YOU ARE A STRANGER. You may know you're just a cozy old auntie at heart who just ADORES the babies (like me), but in reality, you are someone with no connection to that child and therefore, no RIGHT to any information about her/him. Her saving grace is that she actually addressed the child's parent and not the child directly, but she loses points because she asked for his name (well, she asked for HER name) which is plain creepy. Don't we now teach that parents/guardians shouldn't have kids' names on clothing & backpacks so that STRANGERS can't trick them into thinking they aren't STRANGERS. Getting the info in front of the parent would be a neat way for a pedophile to make a child think he or she is a-okay when he or she accosts said-child later. (Or maybe I just watch too much true crime shit.)
And of course, she loses more points because when corrected, she pretended understanding , but then ran off and wrote a mean blog post about how Mr. Matthews' decision to let his son wear his hair long does not work within her social norms.
I don't know what to make of the "girly hoodie" comment. On the one hand, STFU, Dave Matthews. On the other hand, her comment about how "evolved" the kid was smack of a bit of hypocrisy. Cool that he's allowed to wear "girly" clothes, but only if she can see that he's a boy wearing "girly" clothes? WTH?
I posted a link in my comment to a Jezebel post about the Shiloh brouhaha, but none of the other commenters seem to give a crap. Many of them seem to agree that parents who let their boys wear long hair should "just deal with it" or freaking conform for chrissake!
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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