So I'm all moved in to my new apartment. I've been here a week now, and so far, it's awesome. I'm kinda mostly almost unpacked. Despite my best efforts to get rid of some clutter before I moved, I still have too much stuff. I wanted to eliminate using plastic bins (aka Tupperware per Andrew Tricker) as clothing storage, but there's no helping it. I just have a lot of clothes. I donated a good bit of stuff, but I just can't seem to whittle thngs down much more. I also FINALLY broke down and ditched (most) of the shoe boxes. I still managed to move with about 20 (had over 50). Some were shoes that were meant for donation, but got swept up in the moving frenzy. I can still make donations and get rid of some stuff though.
The move went well. Andy, Damian, Rebecca, and Eddie were my helpers. Andy and Eddie both have big giant pick 'em up trucks which actually came in handy even though I got one of the bigger trucks. We managed to move from one 3rd floor, no elevator apartment to another in about 4 hours. The only damaged property in the move? One wine glass and that was only because of my bad packing (cast iron skilets and IKEA wine glasses do not mix).
I've been making trips back to the old place trying to make it presentable which is quite a feat when I haven't done much in that department in the 3 years I lived there. Cleaning blinds and windows is a p-a-i-n pain! I vow to dust the blinds in this apartment at least one a week while I live here. The fridge was a breeze as were the bathroom tiles. The kitchen floor will get another over and the ceiling fan looks okay. The oven is being a bit stubborn, but that's because my oven cleaner can got clogged. Now I have to boogey over there after work on Tuesday (a counter day no less) and try to get those last bits of burned on pizza cheese off the bottom. Overall, I might lose a few bucks (one of the blinds BROKE while I was trying to clean it), but I imagine I'll get the majority of my deposit back.
Another awesome thing about the new place? Free Internet! I don't know where it's coming from (maybe the coffee shop next door), but it's awesome because that's $47 Comcast is not getting from the kid. When I ditched that, I decided to up my cable package to Digital Economy. $30 bucks a month isn't so bad. Then I got my bill yesterday and saw they were charging me for internet and for internet installation. I called to get it straightened out today and managed to get in on a promo paying only $19.99 for my Digital Economy (which would actually cost me $40 bucks a month since it's my only Comcast service) for a full year. I'm awesome.
I also decided that the iPhone is like totally overrated. As a phone I mean. I like having the apps and the QWERTY keyboard and all, but I'm not so keen on the $39.99 Data Plan. So I dug out my old Samsung Sync and called up AT&T to drop that and reactivate my that phone. Now I have an 8G iPod Touch. I'm able to pick up the same Wi-Fi connection in my apartment on my phone...I mean, iTouch, but I don't know how it'll work elsewhere. Either way, I got my old Sync (with my old Halloween and Metallica ringtones) back. I also downloaded Skype and Textfree Lite.
After cleaning at the old place for about 3 hours today, I feel like a grimy ball of dust. Gonna hop into my (fabulous clawfoot) tub, before I head to nite-nite-ville.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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