Before Contagion: took public transportation to movie theatre, bought ticket with credit card (self-swipe), used theatre's public restroom (paper toilet seat covers provided), bought popcorn and soda with credit card (self-swipe), put "butter" and salt on popcorn.
During Contagion: sat in seat that has probably cushioned thousands of asses over the course of Block E's 10-year history; saw a trailer for the American version of "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" that made me want to claw my eyes out; wondered who decided that at nearly-70, Robert DeNiro should become an action star; continued to be baffled by the appeal of Robert Downey Jr. and Christian Bale; listened to the sniffles, sneezes, coughs and yawns of my fellow theatre-goers and added a few of my own (damn allergies); watched Gwyneth Paltrow DIE; enjoyed the heck out of the movie while simultaneously growing a wee bit paranoid.
After Contagion: momentarily contemplated sneaking into Creature before deciding I needed real food; used the theatre's public restroom (the door to which was propped open strangely enough); washed my hands for juuuuuuust a little longer than I did before the movie; hesitated at touching the handrail on the escalator; marveled at just how desolate Block E has become; took the skyway to Barnes & Noble to look at foreign language-learning books...again somemore; ate at an Indian buffet; took public transportation back to my crib; rushed into the bathroom to wash my hands.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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