So I went on my first OKCupid date. It went well for the most part, but I won't be seeing the guy again. I think he lost me when he told me he was an unemployed, bipolar insomniac. We met at Spyhouse for coffee first which is where I learned that he like to talk A Lot. I think it was maybe a little nervousness, but it was a bit overwhelming. We then went and had dinner at Peninsula. He's fancies himself a foodie and told me about a lot of places he's eaten at in the TC. That was all interesting, but he didn't really engage me in conversation. Whenever I'd speak he's do that "yeah", "uh huh" thing, but like at weird points which made it seem like he wasn't even listening.
Anyway, so I've done it and it wasn't terrible. Now maybe I'll meet someone I actually like.
That sounds so awkward! Maybe it's like a progression thing where you go through some meh dates before you hit the jackpot! At least he didn't stick you with the check or or steal your purse!
Yeah, possibly. Just hoping I manage to avoid any real psychos. And I'm glad he didn't react badly when I told him things were a no-go.
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