Lisa Bloom is an anchor on CourtTV and has the most awesome blog on the CourtTV website. Even though she is the daughter of Gloria Allred whom I kinda find a bit opportunistic and a total publicity hound, Lisa comes across as someone who is incredibly thoughtful and actually has respect for the law (unlike say her fellow CourtTV anchor Nancy "Constant Bitchface" Grace and yes I know her fiance was murdered but that doesn't mean she gets to do a jig all over a defendant's rights). Anyway. Check out Lisa's posts when you get a chance.
In totally non-crime news, why are so many media outlets treating Jennifer Aniston like she is the first woman to ever get divorced. Hell, she's not even the first famous woman to get divorced. Nor is she the first famous woman to have her ex hook up with another famous person seemingly within moments of the breakup. I do not feel sorry for her. Yes, I know it's tough getting dumped. I've been through it. My friends have been through it. No, our breakups were not spread all over the tabloids for the world to see or read, but those tabloids weren't around when we and our beaus met either. Our couples didn't have to get the police involved because photogs tried to capture us leaving the Gap. No one wrote stories about our extremely-casual-yet-ridiculously-expensive looks. That's kinda what one has to deal with when you're a famous person who hooks up with another famous person. And if seeing your old flame with his new flame is so bad, why weren't we supposed to feel bad for Brad Pitt when Gwyneth got married to Chris Martin? How good did it feel to Adam Duritz or Tate Donovan to see Ms. Aniston and Brad all over the papers, or to see her with Vince Vaughn (it makes me a little queasy since I think he looks like he smells bad, but whatever)? You gotta take the good with the bad.
Nerd Alert!
5 days ago
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