John McCain's running mate is a chick! Raise your hand if you saw that coming. Quit lying! You didn't any more than I did. This is another example of excellent Republican smoke-screening. We were so busy bemoaning the idea of a Vice President T-Paw (I was anyway) or Romney or *shudder* Lieberman, we never even thought he'd chose anyone else. Of course, he didn't give us any indication he planned on taking this path so that might explain why we focused on those yahoos.
I'm not all that politically knowledgeable so maybe it makes sense that I've never heard of this woman before, but from the little I've skimmed from the headlines, nobody else really has either. Apparently, she's touted for not aborting her Down's syndrome baby which the Christian conservatives think means she deserves a medal. Except tons of other parents continue pregnancies where they KNOW the child may have a health issue, so that's not so special. Well, it's special I guess, but not THAT special. I guess I don't like the implication that she's "better" than parents who would chose otherwise. But I'm gonna drop that cuz I don't have kids and I have fortunately not had to make those kinds of choices.
It is clear (to me at least) what Grampa Mac (I knew he was old, but 72? Daaaa-ammn!) is doing here. He is attempting to woo those Hillary supporters still pissed about Obama's nomination and to steal some of Obama's historical thunder. He is telling the nation, "You can have the first (maybe-Muslim, scary) Black president or you can have the first female vice president." Or more simply put, "See! I can make history too!" I hope he makes history too. I hope he becomes the second presidential nominee with a female running mate to lose the election. Oh, it's on now, 'itches!
OBAMA '08!!!
Nerd Alert!
5 days ago