Woohoo! My boss lady approved my vacation request for RNC week. I don't have to be anywhere near a Republican or a demonstrator! I'm doing my happy dance.
If I had some money and connections and weren't so lazy, I might take advantage of those 10 days off to actually DO something or GO somewhere. Instead, I'll likely spend the whole time on my couch watching court shows and eating bad food. I am maybe possibly thinking about considering going to the Fair, but that's a lot to maybe possibly think about considering. I mean, if I did go, I'd have to go alone because I need the option of getting the hell outta Dodge at my own convenience. Alone is no fun because I like the Midway and it just looks creepy (and a little sad) to get on rides alone. I could go with others, but then I'd be stuck following said-others into exhibits and things I have no desire to see. I don't care about pigs, chickens, horses, and cows or $50 all-you-can-drink milk or muscle cars and tanks or seed art or any of that hokum. I'm sure some of it is neat. Okay, seed art is neat, but I don't like the smell of poo, I'm lactose-intolerant, and I can't really drive. Also, THE HUMANS! Ugh! People watching only goes so far when it's a bunch of sun-burned, flip-flop wearing yokels! I can see that at work! But to be stuck in the misted of THOUSANDS of them (and it will be hot...I know it will be hot...it is always hot during the damn Fair...and worse, it will likely be humid because it also always rains for several days of the Fair). Eeek! I want to pass out just thinking about it.
Um, so I probably won't go to the Fair again this year. But, okay maybe.
Maybe I'll finally clean clean clean my apartment. It needs it bad. I don't remember the last time I ran the vacuum in there. My kitchen floor looks like an old wedding dress (meaning it is no longer white). I can't even fall asleep on my couch because 2/3 of it is covered in junk mail. I am kinda of a hoarder. I fear that I will be one of those people they have to tear a wall down to get from her house when I die. I just don't throw away or recycle stuff even when I know I should. I get all these credit card things and I am all paranoid about identity theft that I put them near the shredder, but not actually through it. None of it is organized. My yarn is sorta organized because it's all in one corner, but it's kind of exploding all over my floor. And then there are the clothes. I so wish I had a car because I would totally just pack it all up and go to the local laudromat and do it all there.
Enough bitching. I'm gonna get back to work.
Oh, yeah. I haven't mentioned him in a while but the bus crush is still there. He had some very strange hair action going on for quite a while where he let it get real long (but not hang-y long, just bushed-out long). I wasn't feeling it, but he's since buzzed it which looks good, however, he also has this ugly cop 'stache that is not attractive. I want it gone. He also changed shoes for a while. He usually wears those slip-on athletic shoes (I can't really explain), but for a good chunk he was wearing actually white sneakers which looked really goofy with his standard uniform of gray shirt and olive pants. I wonder where the hell he works and how much of a nutburger his coworkers must think he is.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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