I am maybe possibly thinking about considering going to the Fair, but that's a lot to maybe possibly think about considering. I mean, if I did go, I'd have to go alone because I need the option of getting the hell outta Dodge at my own convenience. I can only stand to be around humans (especially DROVES of humans) for so long. But, alone is no fun because I like the Midway (of course, I like the idea of getting on rusty, rickety rides slapped up overnight; I'm a horror movie fan!) and it just looks a little sad (and creepy) to get on rides alone. That means I'd have to go with others (who aren't necessarily as enamored with the Midway as I), but then I'd be stuck following said-others into exhibits and things I have no desire to see. I don't care about pigs, chickens, horses, and cows or cheap all-you-can-drink milk or muscle cars and tanks or seed art or any of that hokum. I'm sure some of it is neat. Okay, seed art is neat, but I don't like the smell of poo, I'm lactose-intolerant, and I can't really drive. And what's with the Miracle of Birth center? Why is that necessary? If you're a farm kid, you've already seen it; if you're a city kid, you really don't want to. And still there are THE HUMANS! Ugh! People-watching only goes so far when it's a bunch of sun-burned, flip-flop-and-biker-shorts wearing yokels! I can see that at work! But to be stuck in the misted of THOUSANDS of them...jinkies! And it will be hot...I know it will be hot...it is always hot during the damn Fair...and worse, it will likely be humid because it also always rains for several days of the Fair). Eeek! I want to pass out just thinking about it. Oh, and And AND, it's expensive. At least $8 just to get in the door, then it $3.25 for a corn dog and I don't know how much for a porkchop-on-a-stick! Since I only maybe sorta was considering it, I haven't been saving money over the last few paychecks specifically for this event (I am however setting aside some pennies to drink with Saint Joye this weekend! Woohoo! Can't wait to see you, Girl!).
Um, so I probably won't go to the Fair again this year. My morning bus goes past there, so that's probably the closest I'll get. But, it was seriously maybe sorta thought about.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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