I am the first to admit I'm a cold weather baby. I would prefer it be bitter cold than stiflingly hot. I am already not looking forward to Minnesota and its new trend towards 90+ degree Julys. That said, yesterday was some fucked up shit. As pretty as all that fluffy snow was, it really messed up The Kid's evening.
My coworkers started bailing really early because some of them don't have the good sense to live in a real city like Minneapolis (or St. Paul) or even the near-suburbs. These are people who live in places like Savage and St. Peter who drive aaaaaall the way here 5 days a week. Others left slightly closer to closing time. I tried to allow myself some leeway by leaving a mere 5 minutes earlier in the hopes of catching an earlier bus than usual. And I could well have done so....if said bus hadn't gotten stuck at the bus stop. I thought about how much hell the 94 was going to be, plus how crowded the next 94 would be with all the people from the stuck bus trying to clammer on to it (it was an accordian bus that got stuck) and decided I'd try my luck with the 53 which travels down Lake. I waited for about 15 minutes, but that didn't show, so I decided to wait for the next 94. I waited another 15 minutes for that one and it didn't show. When I finally saw the 53 coming I stayed at the 94 bus stop because I THOUGHT the bus headed our way was a 94. It was not. When I saw the next 53 I tried to run for it, but it took off. I waited another 10 minutes at the stop when I saw a 54 which is a limited stop bus from St. Paul to Mall of America. I figured I'd hop the train at MOA and I'd be home free.
Oh my GOD. I probably boarded that bus at about 5:15 and that ride is normally about 30 minutes. We didn't reach MOA until 6:45! We were crawling for what seemed like ages. And then! I JUST missed the train when we got to the mall. But that wasn't really a big deal because the trains were running every 10 minutes. So I decided to go inside and grab something to go since I was starving and very likely not going to want to cook a damn thing when I got home. When I got up to the 3rd level I remembered that I wanted to go to Best Buy and see if I could find an adapter for my keyboard so I could use it with my laptop. See, now that I'm doing the dual screen thing, I have my laptop sitting on top of my printer and it's a little tough to type. I still have my old computer and figured I can just plug that in except is uses and S-thingy and I don't have an S-thingy hook-up-a-bob on my laptop. I wanted a converter so that I could plug it into one of the USB or UBS or whatever it's called spots.
Aaaaaaaanyway, so I go to Best Buy and cute, little BB guy showed me the adapter and it was thirty damn dollars for this little ole thing. And I was like, "Shit, how much is a new freakin' keyboard?" And he showed me a cheap keyboard for just $22. I decided to hold off and think about it, maybe check at Radio Shack or try to get to one of the broke-down Circuit Citys and see if they might have one, even though I'm pretty sure CC has just marked up prices on a lot of stuff then slapped a XX% off sticker on it.
So after that I went to the food court and decided I need a Whopper Jr. with cheese and some onion rings with some Zesty sauce. I figured I had just enough time to catch the next train only to find out that buses were now running every 15 minutes and I had another 11 minutes to wait. Fortunately, I only had to spend 5 of those standing out in the cold with my chow because I could heat my tootsies in the next train leaving. I find a seat and even though I don't really care for eating on the bus because it's kind of gross and rude, I was really hungry and onion rings are not good cold so I started to chow down. What in the devil did BK do to the Zesty sauce? It tasted like really bland hot mustard and I mean really bland. Boo on your new Zesty sauce, BK!
Anyway, luckily it was an uneventful ride home without obnoxious, loud teenagers like the LAST time I rode. Did I tell you about them? Oh man, I generally think most kids of all ages are just so cute, but I wanted to choke these little bastards. They were loud and they were eating food and left a pile of garbage right on the floor in the middle of the train. One gentleman actually had the balls none of the rest of us had to say something to them and one little shit stepped back on the train and threw something at him. Once the door closed on his punk-ass he kept trying to get it to open again and the driver had to tell him to get away from the train over the P.A. These are the kids that make people hate teenagers.
Anyway, I finally made it to Minneapolis at about 8:10 and got a 6 fairly quickly and was home and flopped out on the couch by 8:40 watching QVC try to sell me trashy jewelry. I was so pooped I slept like a log and actually only woke up because I had a scary dream that I was Laurie Strode and I knew Michael Myers was coming after me and I was trying to prepare for the attack. Creepy.
Today, it's pretty mellow at work. One interesting thing is that one of my CoWs informed me that another has been ratting me out to my boss. Not that I've done anything terrible, but on days when I work my 2nd job, I will leave 5 minutes early to catch the bus. She is also the one who will run to my boss and whine about my "attitude" when I don't say hi to her in the morning. I don't like her and she knows it and I quit pretending like I did about 3 months after I started here because she is a ass-kissing, gossipy bitch and I got no truck with people like that. Anyway, I told this other CoW that I already knew (another of my less odious CoW had already informed me since she sits not too far from our boss and has heard her in there talking trash about other people) and that I honestly don't give a shit. I refuse to get into office politics and such. They can get into their little gossip circles and compare cube sizes and complain about who got a new chair all they want to. I'll be just fine with them thinking I'm a stuck-up bitch while I rock out to Judas Priest and ignore their sorry ass. If it ain't work-related, don't fucking bother me. We are not that cool.
Okay, my lunch break is over, but I had to get all that off my chest. My complaints about the snow storm in no way indicate that I am looking forward to summer, but I wouldn't balk at a change to April showers soon.
Nerd Alert!
5 days ago