It's a sign that I watch too many horror movies that I am admittedly a little freaked out by all this "swine" flu business. On the one hand, I want to take the "we'll be fine" attitude, but on the other, I have to wonder, "what if this is the next Black Plague"? We are so goddamn complacent and arrogant sometimes that the idea that something like this could actually come in and do some very serious damage doesn't even come to most people's minds. My own paranoia isn't being helped much by whatever the fuck is going on with me right now. I think it's some nasty allergies, but it feels like it could be a head-cold. Whatever it is, I want it gone.
Other things freaking me out is that the rains have come and with the rains come the worms. I about had a heart attack when I nearly stepped on one yesterday on my way from work. It probably took me an extra 5 minutes to get home trying to avoid them. And what's the first thing I hear when I wake up this morning? Dave Ryan talking about how the streets and sidewalks are covered with worms. I only saw a few when I left for work (surprisingly no where near dirt), but that's too many. Worms are my kryptonite (sp).
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
So let me get this straight:
Horror movies? Whee!
Worms? Eeek, run screaming?
Numero uno: Your spelling of "Kryptonite" was right on the dot. It pays to be a comic nerd.
Numero two-o: The whole "pandemic" thing doesn't worry me too much. I look at it this way; I basically now get to treat Spring and Summer the same way I do Fall and Winter, which is to say I wash... a LOT... to avoid any possible illness.
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