I have been weening myself of Jezebel lately. While I appreciate a lot of the stories, the comments in some of the posts just drive me batty. I'm all for feminism and equality for everyone, but that includes holding women RESPONSIBLE for their own bad behavior and decisions.
For example, they posted a story about some dumbass women who jumped into the polar bear den at some zoo and got mauled. The thing that bugs me about their post is at the end of it, the writer starts whining about how if society didn't act like polar bears as cute and adorable, this lady might have thought twice about trying to go up and hug this bear. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
While it is true that animals are "marketed" as all cuddles and cuteness, a 32-year-old woman should know at least to be cautious around them. Zoos have cages and fences for a reason. Now maybe this lady has some sort of mental deficiency in which case whomever she was at the zoo with should have their head examined for not paying attention.
This reminds me of that case where the little girl was bitten by a meerkat at the local zoo and because her inattentive, dumbass parents didn't want her to go through the trauma of rabies shots, a whole family of meerkats had to be put down to make sure the child was okay. Yeah, Meerkat Manor probably does make kids think they are the cutest little things and petting them would be cool, but GROWN-UPS should be there making sure the kids realizes that they are actually wild animals and people should be very careful around them.
Jezzies, quit acting like women can't make bad decisions. I hope this woman will recover too, but I also hold her responsible for putting herself in danger. It cuts both ways.
I just had to get that morning rant off my chest.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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