So I learned who Mr. BlackWife's replacement is today. When we got the email announcement the other day, my coworkers were bemoaning her as a total bitch and saying how much it would suck to work in DEV. Well, I had someone in Communications come to me with a request because reporters are sweating them about the bus accident last night. Communications Lady was looking for someone to explain this guy's driving record to a reporter. While I am perfectly capable of doing that, I didn't want to do that nor do I believe I am allowed to as a lowly CSSI (that sounds so cool, right? Just means customer service person). Anyhow, I suggested she get someone from DEV to speak with the reporter and walked her over there. When I walked to Mr. BlackWife's former office, the new boss was there and Communications Lady joked (sorta) about how I was being so helpful letting my lunch get cold while I helped her figured this out. Mrs. NotMrBlackWife said, "I remember you. You helped me with something a while back ago and you were so helpful I had you written up in [the department newsletter]." And yes, I remember that happening and not having a clue who the heck it praising me was but being pretty happy about it at the time. In fact, it had shown up shortly after my former supervisor had one of those "someone doesn't like your attitude" discussions, so I remember feeling pretty fucking smug about it. Honestly, I am pretty awesome to a lot of customers and fellow employees around here. I only ever hear about the assholes who pout when I don't say hello or dance a goddamn jig when they loll by my cubicle.
Anyway, so knowing that she and I have had one (two if you count today) positive experience makes me feel good about maybe approaching her about the cross-training thing if the BCA job doesn't come through.
Another thing on that, I wasn't quite sure how to handle the "thank you" letter (partly because I couldn't for the life of me remember the names of all three women I interviewed with). Most of my pre-interview communications were via email with one woman, so I sent a "thank you" email to her today. Not sure if that was the right thing to do especially since it's one of my cookie cutter Thank You letters which talk about how confident I am that I'd be a good fit. In retrospect, the note comes off a little arrogant. Hope that doesn't count against me. I'm feeling a little high on myself this week. I'd feel bad about it if I hadn't spent all of last week sick and feeling like crap on a stick and the week before that broke and depressed and cranky. I'm still broke, still coughing (stupid post nasal drip), and this job is sucking some this week, but for some reason I'm just not giving a hot fuck. I feel good, dammit!
I hope I hear something back (positive or negative) about the BCA before we head into Turkey Break next week. I'd love to go into a long weekend with some good news.
Nerd Alert!
5 days ago