It's been a while, but that's just cause my life is not that exciting. Since the episode with Mr. BlackWife there hasn't been much going on. We made loose plans for my 'training' to start and so far, nothing has happened. I'm starting to wonder if that was all a bunch of Who-Shot-John on the part of my boss. I don't know. I just know I'm extremely burned-out at this place. Maybe I'm just having a bad day...or week, but it's taken a lot of energy to drag my ass in here the last few weeks.
There was a post for position similar to mine at the BCA and because of my talk with Mr. BlackWife, I initially wasn't gonna apply for it but decided to post a bid for it today (the deadline). Working in DEV is much more along the lines of what I want to do because it would allow me to use my criminal justice education and my psychology course work at the same time. Maybe something like that is available at the BCA, but not likely. Still, I liked working there before (even though it's so far away and it felk less bullshitty than working downtown). I think I'm gonna email Mr. BlackWife (AGAIN) and see if this training thing is gonna happen. If so, I can maybe rescind my bid. If not, well I'll cross my fingers that the BCA hires me and I get through the probation period without cussing out a criminal.
Otherwise, things have been pretty boring. I haven't gone to the movies since Pandorum despite vowing to every other weekend. No Paranormal Activity or Zombieland or District 9. Money's too tight for traipsing off to the theater anyway. I did a good bit of satisfying my horror itch though and now I have no idea what to do with my Netflix queue. I'd love to FINALLY finish season 3 of Dexter, but disc 2 has been a "long wait" since it was released in August. I was gonna see if my local Hollywood Video had it last Wednesday, but um, I missed the memo that told me they were packing up and moving out. If I get desperate maybe I'll check with Blockbuster. Maybe.
My lunch break is almost over and I still haven't gotten any lunch yet, so I'm gonna end this abruptly right here.
This might have been my most boring post ever.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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