So I emailed Mr. Blackwife TWO WEEKS AGO regarding starting my training in DEV. I had to ask him a question about something else that same day, and when I walked into his office he quickly informed me that he'd gotten my email. Well, apparently, he didn't' read it or he doesn't think I rate a response because I STILL haven't gotten a response. Granted, I was out ill all of last week, but he didn't necessarily know that and that wouldn't have stopped him from emailing me. So I can only assume at this point that Mr. BlackWife was full of shit when he talked to me about being glad to help me move and grow within this organization. Frankly, even if he did respond at this point, I don't know if I would want to work with him. I recall during the back and forth with my boss her stating he wanted me to "show" that I wanted something more from this place. I flat-out told her I would not be begging him for shit. I can't help but wonder if this is part of why I'm not getting anything from him. Maybe he wants to see just how many emails I will send to him. Well, the answer to that is ONE. I won't count my chickens before they hatch, but I hope my interview with the BCA goes well. I would rather ride an extra 1/2 hour on the bus to work than deal with this bullshit. If he thought this Sista had an attitude before, he ain't seen nothing yet. Now I AM bitter and pissed off and now I WILL be giving him the stink-eye when I see his sorry ass in the hall. Either he was lying when we talked or he doesn't have the balls to tell me it isn't gonna happen for whatever reason. Either way, I don't appreciate being left hanging.
Update 4:20 PM
Well, well, well. Guess who just dropped by my cube to say he hadn't forgotten about me? Why, Mr. BlackWife. That's swell and all, but I still have my fingers crossed for my interview on Wednesday. It's creepy because not only did I post this rant today and he happens to show up, but I was just about to log into Facebook to say how happy I was to be back at work after being out last week.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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