I am annoyed. I am tired. I am cranky. I hate the world today. I slept for shit last night. My downstairs neighbor(s) insists on using her/his bathroom fan and it is LOUD!!! Sounds like a helicopter is hovering above my bed. Last night it was on until like 1 in the morning and I could not sleep. I think I'm gonna slip a note under their door letting them know that it is a disturbance. I think I should email Steve about fixing it. All of them are extra loud and pretty damn useless.
I am really hating my coworkers today. I am hating work today. The system is down so we pretty much can't do anything. There are a bunch of douchebags running around in costumes or with pumpkin earrings and teeshirts and orange socks w/bats on them. These people make me hate Halloween. Next year, I ought to come dressed as a bloody gross zombie, except next year Halloween will be on a Sunday. But whatever.
I was gonna maybe go down to the 3Rock and check out Brad's thing tonight, but then Big Sis called asking to borrow money and that trumps beer. I am undecided. I might just stay in and watch some of my favorite horror movies while getting plastered alone. Or not getting plastered. I don't drink alone too well. It's too depressing.
I am pretty excited to watch flix. The only thing is my neighbors suck so hard, I don't know how peaceful my movie watch experience will be. Maybe some asshat will be throwing a party. God, I hope not. Please please please go out. And I don't expect any trick-or-treaters. The folks next door have a kid, but I'd hope they are dumb enough to bring their kid around begging for candy. They are the property managers and all.
What's the Halloween equivalent of a Scrooge? That's how I feel today. I barely even smiled at the curly-haired wee moppett in a bunny costume in the skyway. Barely. I think it's just sucky coworkers and a lack of a good night's sleep that's bringing me down.
So I'm not sure what I'll watch tonight. I just go The Girl Next Door from Netflix. I think it's supposed to be pretty gory. It can't possibly be worse than Inside. Holy Mother, was that bloody! But it was pretty awesome. So far the French horror films are two for two. That's two for three if one considers Irreversible a horror film which I don't. I could not get through the whole film. It wasn't because it was over-the-top violent or too realistic or the plot unwound backwards. I just couldn't get into the story. I found the two lead actors annoying and unsympathetic. By the time the awful rape scene occurred, I just had to bail. Anyway. I do own Haute Tension, but I have yet to view it. Maybe this weekend some time.
I might stick with the classics tonight. Perhaps my top 3 slashers: Halloween, Friday the 13th Pt. 2, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter, and Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors. So many movies, so little time.
I am seriously considering dumping the cable. I think it cuts into my movie viewing time. I can watch half of what I want to see on the computer and the rest I don't really care that much about. Just need to figure out the internet thing and I think the fancy cable will be gone. Plus I'll get extra cool channels with my digital converter boxes, so it doesn't matter too much.
Okay, my lunch is almost over and I haven't even eaten anything or checked to see what's next in my Netflix queue. Later, gator.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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