You know, sometimes I catch myself thinking I'm a bad person. Like this morning, I walked in between two people talking in our breakroom without saying "excuse me." Granted, these two people were standing right by the entrance in front of the microwave and made no effort to move when they say me approaching with food in hand. Or yesterday, when this chick sat next to me on the bus and was all hurrumphing because I had the window cracked. I was hot and the chick in front of me wreaked of cigarette smoke. Suck it up or move (she moved eventually).
Yes, I may occasionally behave badly, but I'm not really evil. Evil is John McCain. NPR played a portion of an interview they did with him this morning. This man has no qualms about being a lying douchebag. The interviewer asked about Palin's assertion that visual proximity to Alaska equals foreign policy experience. McCain hemmed and hawed that that wasn't her only qualification and said a lot of who-shot-John about her dealings with energy companies. When asked if he would feel confident going to Palin for advice on a foreign policy issue, he could barely say anything positive about her (he has gone to her for advice before for...something), but instead railed against Biden and Obama for being "wrong". Cluelessness over cleverness.
My favorite part was when he was asked if he ever saw a negative ad with his endorsement and just went to his people and told them to stop it. He was given the example of the ad about Obama promoting comprehensive sex ed to kindergartners which the interviewer pointed out was proven to be a LIE. McCain claims the ad was actually true and says you can see why at his website. He went on to claim that the reason his ads have been so negative is because Obama didn't agree to participate in some series of town hall meetings. Basically, "If he's just done what we wanted, we wouldn't be some mean to him." John McCain is a Mean Girl. And a dick!
Later, Mid-Morning had on a couple of writers who did profiles on Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain. Now, I haven't read either yet, but I found some of the stuff about Cindy totally fascinating...and disturbing. The author talked about how Cindy seems to like to surprise her husband with things she's done like learning to fly or race car driving or adopting a baby. He described it as "acting out" which is interesting considering she's, well, not a teenager. He also sorta defended her against people attacking her pill addiction.
You know, I once got into a disagreement with someone about whether McCain's mental health record should be made public. As someone whose family has a history of mental health issues, I get nervous at the idea of someone's mental health record being used against them. Remember when that woman accused Kobe Bryant of rape and then his lawyer came out saying, "Oh, but she had attempted suicide once and went to a shrink" like that somehow made it impossible for her to know when she had been raped. I don't like that.
HOWEVER, I have to rethink my position a bit because I seriously wonder just how crazy John McCain might be. I think his wife's "acting out" might be a reaction to being married to an insane, controlling bastard. I think there is some real, live insanity boiling under the surface of those crazy eyes. We already know that he's a narcissistic prick who left his devoted first wife for a new chippy, but he also seems really aloof and distant from her and his family. He doesn't come across as a feeling person. Even the automoton Ronald Reagan seemed to have a real affection for "Mommy". Heck, Bill Clinton at least seems to admire Hillary if he isn't still in love with her. McCain comes across like he doesn't even like his wife. I think if her coffers weren't so deep he'd find himself another younger woman (who has a thing for old men with goiters), hopefully with a little extra cash in the attic.
I have to get back to work since the Man is totally spying on our usage of the Internets lately.
Edited to add:
Now, this isn't me saying that those records should in fact be made public. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma in this country associated with mental health issues. Getting help for depression or anxiety or OCD or anger issues makes you "unstable" in the eyes of many. They might feign understanding, but they are secretly asking what's wrong with you. Are you gonna snap or go on a murderous rampage? If they don't see you as blatantly "crazy" and Ted Bundy-esque, then you're just a self-involved whiner (if you're a woman) or pansy-assed wuss (if you're a man) who just can't hack living in the real world.
Still, some of Mr. Maverick's behavior, picking the inexperienced and bubble-brained Sarah Palin as a running mate for example, make one wonder just how right-in-the-head he is (or isn't).
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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