I have a new obsession now. I am listening to horror-related podcasts. I was made aware of these because of my MySpace/Facebook pal TVan, but I never thought to download any until recently. I went for broadcast of radio serials and language learning podcasts initially, but this being my favorite season which always puts me in mind of horror movies, I thought I’d poke around on the web and see what was out there.
I’ve discovered a few really good ones. My favorite so far is the HorrorEtc podcast hosted by a couple (sometimes three) nutty Canadian horror fans. Listening to them is like listening to OtherScott because they are just so deeply in love with these movies. It’s really fun and I might have an ear-crush (no idea what he looks like) on Ted because he seems to think like me (yes, the Christmas season does suck) and I totally dig on his accent.
Another that I’ve enjoyed is Night of the Living Podcast. This one is hosted by a couple of couples and a gay dude from Cincinnati. There’s was actually the first one I started listening to. I enjoy it, but there are parts that could be improved. For one thing, they go off on non-related tangents that get really annoying sometimes. Another is that they seem to get distracted by the number of people present. Honestly, Andy (the gay dude, who happens to sound a little like Gary Spivey) doesn’t get to say enough, at least not in the episodes I’ve listened to. I also am disappointed that I can’t access older episodes, but that’s my fault for jumping on this bandwagon too late.
Another good one is Bloody Good Horror. This one features three guys from around the country which brings me to my first complaint. The varying audio sounds can be a bit off-putting. I’ve listened to a couple and one of the guys (forgive me, for I don’t know names or locations) is barely audible sometimes. Overall though, these guys are fun to listen to on a lame day at work.
You know what all this podcast-listening has made me realize though? I realized I have become a totally bitter and jaded horror fan. I don’t just relax and enjoy horror movies any more. I posted a similar complaint about myself once before, but it still holds true. In my youth I could go to the movies (or the video store) and still find something enjoyable in the experience no matter how lame or cheesy. Now maybe it’s because movies aren’t as cheap as they used to be and the movie going experience isn’t as cool but that’s no excuse for when I Netflix something and can’t make it through it.
And you know what else? I don’t get scared any more. I mean, I don’t really remember the last time I jumped watching a film. Okay, I think I jumped at some point during The Strangers, but I mostly smacked my head (dude, Best Man, SAY SOMETHING!). Granted, so many movies have used lame jump-scares so often that you get desensitized after a while, but I don’t even get the thrill of anticipating a lame jump-scare. That’s not cool.
I’m not at a total lost because I do still experience that horror-joy when watching some of the old stuff. I had a great time watching American Werewolf in London and The Howling last week. Part of it is nostalgia, but nostalgia works in two ways. There’s good nostalgia like my feelings about old episodes of Good Times (pre-Keith) and The Cosby Show (pre-Elvin). You feel all excited and gooey inside when you remember those or come across one of those old episodes. Then there’s bad nostalgia like my feelings about that one episode of Mr. Belvidere I watched or the Nancy Reagan episode of Diff’rent Strokes. It’s like recalling a trainwreck you couldn’t look away from.
I’ve said it before and I’m gonna say it again. I want my horror innocence back! I’m gonna work on this. No more bitching and complaining about the latest remake! I will suck it up because they are not going away. I am going to fill my Netflix queue with all those horror movies I rolled my eyes at and vowed never to see. I will never see Juno (I REFUSE! No comments on this please! Let it go.), but I might just check out The Eye. And I can justify that goddammit because I’m a horror fan. (At random: it’s like 60 degrees and raining out, yet bitches are still wearing flip-flops.)
So I am gonna honestly try to watch more horror. This may be accomplished as I think I’m gonna be saying bye-bye to my cable pretty soon here.
I gotta get back to work.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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