I really should ignore anything I see about these people because they freak me the fuck out and their shameless self-promotion irritates the hell out of me, but I had to link to this Gawker post which expresses many of my sentiments about the Duggar family. I honestly can't tell sometimes if the press is showing them to us as some kind of shining example of how we should all live our lives or if they (too) are trying to figure out exactly what kind of freakshow they're running down in Arkansas. While I can admire them for being extremely wise and thrifty with their income, I don't think their is anything particularly admirable about dragging kid after kid after kid into an already over-populated household, especially since you consider these new kids opportunities to teach the other kids about the responsibilities involved in raising a family.
And back to the income thing, one of the conceits of the Duggar show and Jon & Kate Plus 8 is that these folks are "just like you", meaning they are trying to balance work and couple time with raising children. They seem to fail to acknowledge all the ridiculous donations and whatever they earn for being a part of a damn TV show. I watch J&K now and then (I can't help it; I totally want to kidnap little Aidan and take him to the zoo) and I don't remember the last time I saw Jon leaving for work. They are going off to SeaWorld or Disney or down the shore or something with all the kids and either nannies or helpful relatives in tow every week. Are we really supposed to believe they pay for their own trips? Did the thrifty one-dollar-show-buying Duggars actually spend valuable Christian assets to go to that den of sin called Rudy's New York City?
You know what's really messed up? It appears that one of the Duggar sons had found some woman to marry him. What woman would even date one of these freakneaks let alone get roped into being Michelle Duggar: The Next Generation? My mind is totally blown.
Off that gross topic: I have finished Season 2 of Dexter. Season 3 only ended its Showtime run last night so I now have to wait for ever before it comes out on DVD. Must say I was not terribly impressed with last season. Certain characters were such annoying distractions (LILA!) that I could barely get into it. I look forward to better things this season.
I also watched a few Netflix Instant-Watch movies including a boring documentary about snuff films and an awesome documentary about slasher films. And since I have a decent library of films of my own I busted open my copy of Big Trouble in Little China and watched it with the commentary track on. There is nothing like listening to Kurt Russell and John Carpenter smoke, drink, and shoot the shit while watching a movie. I also watched a bit of The Big Lebowski. Meh! I was making dinner while it was on so maybe if I sit down and really pay attention and not work on my Jolly Roger sweater, I'll find it as amusing as everyone else does.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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