Here's my latest adventures. I finally sat down and watched those Dexter DVDs I'd had for about 3 weeks last weekend. I had managed to watch two of them online and got all sorts of hooked. When I returned to watch more the next day, they were no long on Netflix's instant-watch list. Booo! Anyway, I am soooo hooked on this show now. I was quite bummed that the ones I had at home did not include the season finale. Looks like Showtime padded out the box set by slapping the finale episode on a 4th disc with two episodes of Brotherhood. I tried watching that show when it first came on, back when I still had super-duper fancy cable. Irish Sopranos in Boston instead of New Jersey. Yawn! Maybe I'll watch the ones on the Dexter disc and see if it's worth it.
I didn't have to work Tuesday night and I just couldn't bring myself to watch The First 48 (which I had watched Monday night), so I instant-watched Graduation Day online. That movie is best known as being Vanna White's acting debut. It's is a pretty typical 80s slasher film. It is basically Prom Night meets Friday the 13th. The premise is a young girl dies of a blood clot at a track meet. Her Navy sister comes home to investigate and then all the track team members start getting killed off. This movie is kinda badly slapped together. You can barely make out one character from the next. There one scene of someone getting killed and you're like "Who the hell are you?" because you have never seen this person at any other point in the movie. The true killer is also kind of obvs also. I gave it a two out of five which might be a bit tooo generous, but I didn't hate it and that's saying a lot because I seem to hate everything nowadays.
Right now, I'm upset because Netflix has committed some kind of snafu. I sent back the first 3 discs of Season 1 Dexter this Monday and they arrived Tuesday. I expected to get S1, disc 4 and S2 discs 1 & 2 in the mail yesterday. Instead, I only got the S2 discs. I went to Netflix today to see if they other was just delayed and they seem to have been under the impression that I'd already gotten it and sent it back to them. Now I have to wait until Friday or Saturday before I get that one. Which is okay I guess since I actually work tonight and wouldn't be able to watch the episode anyway, but still. Boo on you, Netflix!
So that's it. Maybe over lunch I'll get a chance to rave about the 13 Bullets!
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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