It’s dead right now. I have already done 105 record requests (some of those were multiples though) and 13 reinstatements. I was pretty much done by 2. I’m too fast for my own good because now I have nothing to do and I’m bored. So bored I even took a smoke break. Now I feel icky and smelly. I hate smoking at work.
Since I’m so bored, I figure I’ll recount my Thanksgiving weekend. On Wednesday, I went to the CC with Rebecca. That was none too exciting. We talked a little and had cheese fries and PBR. I started feeling sick and left by 11. I almost felt bad leaving her alone, but Christine (ugh!) was on her way and Rebecca handles herself pretty well alone.
When I got home, I promptly puked up my fries and beer and felt like crap the next day. Still I soldiered on and made my butternut squash gratin to take to JewLo’s. Mr. JewLo and BabyGirl JewLo picked me at about 3. BGJL is so adorable and was all over me, showing her auntie some much needed baby-love. I could have been a ½ way good auntie and called my own family, but I just couldn’t muster the energy to do it. For some reason, I’ve just been avoiding calling home for months now. When I was flush, I had no problem with it, but now I just can’t do it.
I thought about going out after I returned home, but I still wasn’t feeling great so I just stayed in and watched TV or movies or something. I can’t even remember what the heck I did. What I didn’t do was watch Dexter. I’ve had the first two discs of season 1 for over a week now. I did manage to watch the first two eps online before they were removed from the Instant Watch list the next day! Grrrr!
Friday was pay day so I went to the office and got my dough then went to my Richfield buffet spot. I also bought yarn I did not need to make yet another scarf. Maybe it will be a much delayed birthday/Xmas present for one of the Younguns (they are all too old be called Babies anymore). I stayed in that night too because I’m old and unexciting. I tried to watch Night of the Demons, but it just looked cheesy-bad which might have been fun if I hadn’t been watching all by myself.
Saturday, Sabrina and I did some shopping and then drove down to the casino in Hinckley for an overnight stay. That was fun. I brought all the change in my doggie bank (about $26 bucks) and about $60 cash plus I got $10 worth of free credits with my Player’s Card. I came home with $20 and no more money on my Players Card (but 28 points worth…something I imagine). Some of that was food and beers (And let me rant here about the lameness of the eats at Hinckley. I was not impressed with either the steak I got at the Americana Grill or whatever it’s called or with the breakfast buffet the next day. The best thing I ate was the loaded baked potato that came with my steak.), but the rest was all gamblin’. We pretty much stuck with penny games, but I just had to use some of my quarters in one of those slot type machines, I actually won about 86 quarters once (after spending only $2.25), but I got all addicted and just kept playing until my little bucket was empty.
We came back into town at about 1:30 or so on Sunday and I spent the rest of the day listening to podcasts and chilling until my Stories came on. I’m still amazed the annoying fratnerds have made it to the Final 3. If they win, I will know that the world will end soon. I never thought I’d be pulling for Nick and Starr, but they’ve proven themselves to be a pretty kick-ass team and I’m all about winning by your wits instead of dumb luck (dang it, Dallas!).
So that was my long weekend. Semi-eventful for me. Craziness!
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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