A long weekend (made slightly longer because I left early on Friday) and what did I accomplish? A whole heaping pile of nothing. The laundry is still dirty, there are still dirty dishes in the sink (although this is a new batch after I washed the previous batch on Saturday), the yarn is still an explody pile in the corner, and I still have phone books from two years ago.
I had planned to go to Ari's graduation party on Saturday, but failed to plan my bus trip properly. I will admit I was a little crabby too for various reasons. I missed the 6 to go downtown which would have made me miss the 3 which only runs every hour. I was hot and moody and getting bitchier by the minute so I just went home and went back to bed and watched movies for the rest of the day.
That's about the only thing I really accomplished this weekend - movie watching. After listening to NOTLP go over "American Psycho", I watched that again this weekend. I must admit to not being nearly as enamored of that movie as many horror fans. It's a good movie. Funny in it's way, but it's not all that brilliant. Plus Christian Bale skeeves me out. Yes, he has hot-ish things about him, but there is something "wrong" with him. I say this without having even heard the rant because I have thought this for many moons. His mouth is weird (I have a thing about mouths and teeth.) It's like he could easily open his lower jaw like the creature in Alien and swallow a person whole. I've said too much.
I also watched a really good movie based on a Jack Ketchum book. After my experience with The Girl Next Door, I wasn't sure those existed. The movie is called Red, and it stars Brian Cox as an old widower who runs a general store in a small town. One day while fishing near the local lake, some punk ass kids come along to rob him and they shoot his dog for no reason. From there, the old man tries to get justice from the police and/or the kids' families. A good flick. Currently streaming on Netflix (which now can be viewed using Firefox...hurray!)
Another good movie watched was a Spanish horror movie called Shiver. It's about high school kid who is allergic to the sun, so he and his mom move to a small town where it's less sunny. Turns out the place has a little problem with a vampire or something in the mist. That's a bad summary, but I can't really tell much about it without spoiling it and it's good, so go stream it.
And there there was Calvaire (The Ordeal), a French-language vehicle about a lounge singer-type dude who breaks down in some small town and is basically kidnapped by a total nut. Once again, the French (although this might be Belgian) prove that they are really fucked in the head. The movie is a disturbing trip. Very bizarre. I still am not sure how I felt about it or even if I totally understood what the hell was going on, but honestly, I was a bit too freaked out to watch again. I would recommend it for those of you who like you flicks on the wacked-out side.
I did manage to leave the house and have some fun this weekend. Yesterday, the gang and I went to Bean's for a bbq. There were HeideBabies (but sadly, no Bree) and steak and edamame hummus which was mucho delicioso. I rocked out on the deviled eggs even more than usual. Things I like: the recipe in the Joy of Cooking (with a few tweaks of my own).
So today it's back to work where I forgot when I got dressed this morning that I was back-up at the front counter so I had to change from my comfy jeans to a wrinkled skirt I had stashed for just such an occasion since jeans are now verboten no matter how skanky the rest of one's attire is. Denim is the mark of a lazy State employee. My legs were not prepared for this.
I'm off all this week at the office because Dana's up north. Hurts my pocket book (next Monday's check will be a whopping $17.50 before taxes), but I can't say I'm too upset about not having to rush home and scarf down a Lean Cuisine in 45 minutes. I just have to figure out what to do with myself. Most of my shows have already had their season finales and I won't get new Netflix until Thursday. I still have Quarantine at home, but I'm not sure I'm in the mood for that yet. I might be moving out of my current horror phase. Time to catch up on all that dramatic fair I missed over the Oscar-grab season. I watched Milk and Doubt last weekend, both very good. The former was really good and my bias is gonna show here, but Sean Penn really did earn his Oscar this time. And not just because he played a gay guy which people seem to think was so BRAVE. God, because that's not fucking condescending. It's like when people said Charlize Theron was BRAVE for playing an ugly chick when she was in Monster or Christian Bale was BRAVE when he lost all that weight for The Machinist. That's not brave. That's just part of the gig (and in Mr. Bale's case just another check mark in the "freak" list). Anyway.
I suppose, I should do some work now that I've been here for an hour and a half. Not that I've been typing this for that long and not that I have done no work for that long either. I did some stuff (mostly cleaning my desk for our move next week), but there is actual, like, work to do now so I'm on it.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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