To decompress after a semi-hectic day at work yesterday, I spent some quality time with my good friend PBR down to the Local Watering Hole last evening. I ended up closing the bar which I rarely ever do, but I hung with cool peeps so it was worth it.
The weather was quite lovely earlier, so I felt I had to leave the house. I dragged my ass out of bed at about 10:45 and plotted my day's activities. I would go to the library, eat at my regular Sketchy Panda, boogie on over to MOA to drop off my comatose iPod, pop in to say hi to D, then go see the 2:25 screening of Drag Me TO Hell.
I managed to leave my apartment at 12:30 (I get so caught up on the Internets sometimes) and get to the library at about 1:00 and not find most of the books I'd hoped to check out this weekend. I did find a couple of (hopefully) good true crime books. I got my panda on then made my way to MOA which was surprisingly (blessedly) dead. Geek Squad cutie basically told me my iPod situation might be hopeless, but he added the silver lining that if that is the case, I can get a brand-spanking new one. Sadly, the most compatible one to my current 30Gb iPod video would be a 120Gb iPod video. Or I could get an iPod touch or iPhone if I pay a little extra. Sad, right? Yeah, not at all. I'm totes hoping they can't fix it.
Got to see D briefly which was good. He thinks his schedule will be a bit less hectic soon since S will be done with work for the summer in about a week. Maybe I'll be able to drag him out for some pool someday here.
Speaking of "dragging", I totally missed the 2:25 show many moons ago (I didn't even get to the mall until about 3), but thought I might catch the next screening. That wasn't until 5 and I wasn't really feeling like hanging around the mall with no shopping money, so I called Moviefone to check other times. That is when I learned about the 5:30 show (which also happens to be the cheap show) at Block E.
So I headed down to grab the train only to discover that the trains aren't running to and from the mall because of construction or something. I had to shuttle over to the airport and catch the train there which wouldn't have been a biggy except the shuttle (actually an accordian bus) was fucking crowded and I had to sit with some dude's ass in my face. Boo.
I made it to the theatre with about 5 minutes to spare. I should have known things weren't going to be good when a chick with two smallish children walked up and decided that since they had missed their screening of Dance Flick, they should check out DMtH. I soldiered on, got my popcorn and headed in (behind a giggly teen couple). The place wasn't packed but it was fairly well-occupied leaving me few options in the 'no people next to, in front of, or behind me' department. I found a seat in a corner in the second to last row, but the teens sat behind me, so I moved into the center section, but then some other younguns came in a sat in the row in front of me. They were a few seats over, so I decided to stick it out. Just as the previews start (nothing good really), a couple comes and sits right behind me. More people were coming in and filling any other empty spots so I just stayed put. It wouldn't have mattered anyway.
Maybe it's because I go to movies alone that I don't understand why people can't STFU during a film. It's like everyone came to the theatre with a blind friend because it seemed everyone was explaining the scene we had ALL just watched right after. At a horror movie, I expect a few 'oh snap!' moments that will get people talking for a bit, but then you shut up so you can keep up with the next scene. Not this crowd. Jabberjabberjabberjabber. Ugh!
I was so annoyed. I can't just blow off that sort of thing, so it totally dampened my enjoyment of the movie. I might have felt better if I had just stood up and shouted, "All of you, SHUT YOUR GODDAMN TRAPS!" But this is Block E and it's not like people haven't been assaulted there for less, so I just stewed. I will say, it's probably gonna be a long time before I go see anything at Block E again and never again on opening weekend. Their popcorn sucks anyway.
I treated myself to a present at Target, then took a long, windy walk home. Now, I'm toying around with my present and trying to decide if I want to get a plain old new iPod (what the heck am I gonna do with 120Gb (I hadn't really done much with the 30Gb) or upgrade to the fanciness that is the iPod Touch. And well, it is about time for me to get a new celly, so maybe an iPhone isn't totally out of the question. I'm such a consumer.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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