My newest favorite site to reference and go on about, Heartless Doll, did a funny post about the evils of Nancy Grace. She's so much fun to hate on.
You know what I just realized? I toooooootally forgot to mention in my previous post about my Memorial Day weekend that I FINALLY watched Saw. I have owned that movie for at least 2 years now and had never watched. Since I was largely bed-ridden Saturday and the mailperson didn't bring my Netflix until after 2, I decided to watch that one. Surprisingly, I really liked it. Even though I knew a little bit about Jigsaw and even the basic premise, I managed to be surprised in a few spots and occasionally creeped out. Afterwards, I even took the plastic wrap off my copy of Saw II which I bought last year. I'll try to watch that one sometime in the next 6 months, so I can take my copy of Saw III out of the Target bag it's in. (Kidding on that last, although I do own Saw III and am just waiting for Saw IV to drop below $10 to buy it.)
You know what else I never told you about? I bought My Bloody Valentine 3D and watched it last Tuesday. Naturally, the disc isn't in the fancy RealD that was featured in the theater; it's the green/red stuff instead. However, it still looks pretty good. I heaping helping better than my Friday the 13th 3D disc looks. And you know what else, I still love this movie. Yeah, LOVE IT! It's no Let the Right One In, but it's a lot of fun. (BTW, LtROI might be a wee bit overrated in the horror community. Just a bit.)
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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