Found this link through Final Girl's awesome blogspot. Some of them are pretty rad; others, not so much.
I have to work this weekend for a couple of hours and I'm not terribly excited. I actually don't really have to work, but I'm probably going to because with the holidays I missed two nights of work (unpaid holidays = boooo!) and I was overpaid for an hour on my last check which is going to be taken from my next check. I am still thinking about it though. Worse still is that it wouldn't be my usual alone-time on Saturday. One of the few things I like about giving up a few hours on a Saturday afternoon is that I am there all by myself. This weekend, Dana will be there and she's a fine person, but I just like the solitude. It's just how I role.
I've been thinking about that a lot in relation to work lately. I so wish I could find that perfect all-by-myself job. The less human interaction the better. I kinda got bitched out about my "attitude" once again yesterday. My boss approached me about messing up one thing, and then as we were about to leave, she started in with "I've gotten a lot of complaints about your attitude over the last 6 months". I said, "Then why am I just now hearing about this?" She said because I do good work and they mostly came from another unit who whine if you don't smile at them in the elevator which I don't do. I call bullshit. I barely have contact with those people or anyone else outside of our unit. I think she's mad because I don't get into all the little gossip huddles and snarkfests, I stand around for 30 minutes listening to stories about other people's kids and husbands, and I don't share stories of that sort. She seemed annoyed that she cracked some joke at my expense and I rolled my eyes at her. If thinking you're funny is part of the job, you should have written that into the contract.
Anyway, I have to keep my cool because the economy blows and I wouldn't be surprised if our little department starts cutting staff soon. Not that it would really matter. If they let me go, there would be nothing much I could do about it.
I am considering moving again. My rent is too high and I feeling antsy. I am even considering maybe Nordeast, although I'm leaning more towards Stevens or Loring Park again. Rents aren't cheap anywhere though and putting together application fees and security deposits plus rent might be tough. Nevermind the fact that my pool of strong boy moving help seems to have dissipated. I could probably drag Damian in and Heide might volunteer Eddie for me and maybe Rebecca's fella. If I junk some of my stuff, it might not be that bad. It doesn't even seem like I have a lot when I just glance around at my place. Then again, I have a mountain of clothes on my floor plus an overstuffed closet. I won't even talk about the yarn and DVDs and books.
I gotta get back to work. More random blogging later perhaps.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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