Wow! Talk about keeping busy at work. I've done about 200 record requests today and I still have 2 hours before I get to leave here. I actually have finished all the stuff I had left over from Friday PLUS what's come in today. I'm so resourceful and hardworking.
I was not nearly as resourceful or hardworking at home this weekend. I didn't do a lick of laundry. I did clean my bathroom and wash dishes. I also made eggplant gratinsagna yesterday. Otherwise, I did a whole lot of nothing.
I am now obsessed with Hulu because it is awesome. I watched a bunch of episodes of L.A. Dragnet because Desmond Harrington was on that and he's pretty. The show itself is actually pretty good although I must admit getting a bit distracted sometimes by Ed O'Neill trying to be somebody not named Al Bundy. Eva Longoria is on the show too and she isn't even irritating. Damn you, Desperate Housewives!
I also watched several episodes of Gossip Girl, again, because Desmond Harrington was on. I could very easily get hooked on that show if I allowed myself, but I won't because his character is gone and I won't care anymore.
I am currently knitting a pair of armwarmers for Megan by request. I finished one and it looks a wee bit wonkey. I am really not good with thumbs. That may be improved by "blocking" which I've never done. Anyway, I ran into Megan at Unique a few weeks ago, so I don't imagine she expects these to be perfect.
That was the same day I went to brunch with the Family Jorgenson, the Family Tricker, Miss Jackie, et al. At that point, Mrs. Jorgenson had 11 days until BabyBoy Jorgenson was due. I still have not received a text or a phone call so I assume BBJ is taking his sweet time coming out to the world.
What else? Um, I half-watched a couple of Netflix. You know what I realized? I kind of don't like giallo. I watched Suspiria again and I just couldn't get into it. I find myself feeling guilty as a horror fan when I don't like something that others consider like, seminal to the genre, but hey, to each her own, right? So I won't pretend to love Texas Chainsaw Massacre when I personally found the movie a wee bit boring and most of the characters really irritating. I'll even proclaim that I liked the remake better. Some people (brain warped dumbasses) think Rob Zombie's Halloween doesn't blow nards. You know what they say about opinions and a-holes.
I also half-watched Touch of Evil. Meh. I couldn't get over Charlton Heston and his shoe-polish tan playing a Mexican guy. I'm kinda glad we are sort of over that.
I was so bored on Friday that I actually started watching Tornado! which is a Sci-Fi rip-off of Twister starring the fabulous Bruce Campbell. Well the Bruce love only goes so far and my happy pills haven't kicked in yet, so I turned it off about 30 minutes in. But yay! Burn Notice is back on! And yay! The Closer is back tonight! And more yay! Medium is back next Monday! Finally, stuff I want to watch on TV...all of it on nights that I work.
I was SUPPOSED to work Friday, sorta. It was sort of up in the air because I called off on Wednesday because I didn't catch my bus on time. Dana and I were going to discuss it on Thursday, but she was out ill. I had tentatively offered Friday as an option and well, I like having my weekend all to myself in case I actually did want to do something, so I walked down in the FREEZING COLD only to find the basement blocked off because of some fancy event in the Gallery. My bad. I should have called.
Well, I've wasted just over 15 minutes now.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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