I just relistened to ICFTB Ep. 20 and heard Jeff say he actually LIKED Halloween: Resurrection (aka The One with Busta Rhymes) and would like to see the newer Halloween movies continue in that trajectory. Is he crazy? That movie and its premise were atrocious. How they would continue that storyline is beyond me and I don’t even want to think about anyone trying to take on such a task. *shudder*
I won't pretend that all of the other Halloween sequels exactly make sense. Even though I hated the “Laurie is his sister” angle of the second sequel, I could at least relate it to what I had seen in the previous film. Skipping over the unrelated Pt. 3, we come to the Jamie = Laurie’s daughter/Michael’s niece story line of Pts. 4 & 5. I could even buy that (I actually like those movies, unlike those guys) because it continues the “Michael wants to kill his bloodline” sort of thing that had been previously established. Pt. 6 was a crazy jumbled hot mess that not even Paul Rudd could save. It sort of continues the bloodline story which I appreciated, but all the Druid/Samhain nonsense just left me scratching my head. (Note: I have not had a chance to see the Director’s Cut of Pt. 6 which apparently is a lot more coherent than what I saw in the theatre. Perhaps I will track that one down some day and have a chance to see if it gets any better.)
Then, the makers of these films went totally bonkers and decided to drop everything we had seen in Pts. 4 – 6 all together and bring Laurie back and give her a son. I thought this was a bit of a cheat on their part because the makers of these films felt just fine taking my dollars when they put out Pts. 4 – 6 and to turn around now and expect me—the fan—to just pretend I didn’t see those is ridiculous. Still, the movie wasn’t horrible. I would say it’s greatest pitfall is that it was part of that whole WB horror phase and it seemed like nothing was happening for a really long time because no one wanted to kill off any of the pretty, pretty TV people (or LL Cool J, for that matter).
Finally, we get to Resurrection, in which Laurie Strode is whacked within the first 15 minutes. The makers of this film had the opportunity to continue the bloodline thing but they seem to have forgotten that Laurie had a SON in the previous film. Whoops! Instead, Michael has nothing else to do now, so he just goes back to his old house. I must pause here to rant about the likelihood that house would still be standing all ragged and unoccupied in the middle of suburbia. I am not saying that there aren’t abandoned houses in the ‘burbs, but I would guess the neighbors would demand that the property where a mass murderer was born would either be bulldozed (a la Jeffrey Dahmer’s apartment building in Milwaukee) or it would get a bit of a facelift and address change before being sold off to new homeowners at a heck of a deal (a la the Amityville Horror house in New York which was sold to the Lutz family at a bargain after the DeFeo family murders). Now some doofuses decide to film some all-too-likely-to-be-real reality show in the house and get killed. Michael is now just a killing machine, like Jason, with no real purpose and that makes this movie THE WORST in the original series for me.
This post was gonna be an email to those guys and it still could be in the future, but I just decided to slap it here for now. I think I've about Halloweened them out in my emails.
In other news, there was nothing (much) on TV last night (okay, there was but I have been Obama'd out about a week ago) and I didn't have any current Netflix movies (I do still have disc 2 of Briscoe County, but I wasn't feelin' it last night), so I decided to watch one of my movies that I bought many moons ago, but hadn't even opened yet. The chosen one was Re-animator. I know I saw that movie way back in the day with Renada and I would rent movies for our sleepovers, but I had some how forgot just how fuckin' awesome that movie it. It was so awesome that I actually watched it again with the commentary on. That was fun because the actors all showed up and had a lot of fun talking about the film.
I just learned today that the F13 re-release will have a commentary track with Steve Miner. That plus the 9 extra seconds of footage aren't just enough to make me reach into my wallet and buy that movie yet again. I don't even know if I'll Netflix it. I am, however, totes going to buy F13 Pt.3 because it's in 3-D and that's awesome! You know what I would do if I owned a movie theatre like, say, St. Anthony Main or The Heights or that little one on Central (which may be the Heights) or the Crown (which has 15 screens many of which are showing crap anyway, so I could totally spare the screen)? Just before the release of the new F13 movie, I would do a special run of the other F13s. Do one movie per night, maybe offer special all-screening passes or discounts for folks who want to see all of them. And I would adverstise it! I remember St. Anthony Main ran the original TCM the week before the new one came out, but I don't think anyone knew. I was one of only two people in the theatre on a Thursday afternoon. Granted, it was a Thursday afternoon, but still....
I'm already thinking, "I don't want to work tonight". I am tired of working so much. Maybe I should ask if I can come in on Saturday. I HAVE to make up the day. I need those $30. I need to pay my debt downdowndown. I have pretty much almost for surely decided to get rid of cable. That scares me, even though I watch the same crap all the time, most of which I could easily watch online. I hope USA and TNT will have the new Burn Notice and The Closer episodes available online. I need to crawl behind my entertainment center and unplug a million things to try out my digital converter box. I think I might need an antennae which I may be able to get from Rebecca. Cable is such a huge waste of money, but I still kind of heart it.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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