I decided yesterday that I needed to own the new special edition of My Bloody Valentine yesterday. I intended to go to Southdale Best Buy and pick it up (along with new earbuds) then head off for lunch somewhere. Instead I had to hunt around for my keys making me miss my bus which required a rearranging of my plans. I then went to lunch first with plans for Southdale Best Buy later. When I came out of the restaurant, I had missed my bus by about 3 minutes, but there was a bus coming in the opposite direction headed towards Mall of America. I figured, "It's cold and there's a Best Buy there now. What the hell?" So I hopped on that bus. I might not have made that decision had I know that Bring It On: Minnesota Nice was happening out there. Eeek! I quickly found my way to the massive Best Buy and found MBV and my earbuds and since it was only $11, I picked up Evil Dead on DVD (I only had it on VHS prior). I planned to quickly fight my way through the hoards of teenaged cheertaters and get the h-e-double-toothpicks outta there, but I had to stop in the LoveSack and say hello to D since the place is right next door to Best Buy and he was standing right there when I walked past. So I did that and he is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby D and so am I. (Side note: I have to remember how I adjust my skully pattern for baby hats.) When I left there, I figured I'd see if Sam Goody might have either of the movies I just bought for cheaper, but Sam Goody is no more. Instead, there was some place called f.y.e which also sells music and movies. I figured what the hell, I'll check it out. I found the horror section and had just spotted the Evil Dead section when some whippersnapper of a clerk showed up to make sure I was finding everything okay. Right then, my eyes locked on Bruce Campbell's face and his chainsawed arm and the word "Boomstick". All I could say was, "Oh, snap!" The kid says, "I guess you are" and walked away. I don't really know if $30 for a used copy is a good deal, but I don't care. I got my Boomstick edition. And I also got the Ultimate Edition of Evil Dead II. So now I have all of the Evil Deads on DVD, even though I'm really not crazy about them all. What a girl will do for the love of Bruce. (She will keep reading his not all that great book, Make Love: The Bruce Campbell Way.)
As to the MBV disc. I watched it and I'm not sure it was worth the double dip. The added footage is kind of weirdly edited into the flick. The movie itself shows its age a bit, and I never realized just how bad some of the acting is. Still, the movie is very effective and still managed to make me yell at my TV and cover my eyes.
I must say I enjoyed going to the movies the other day. Even the late-comer giggly assholes who plopped down just a few seats down the row from me didn't lessen the experience. I wish there were another good horror flick out right now. I'd see The Unborn, but that looks a bit too much like that Omen remake for my tastes. Maybe I'll go see Doubt or Gran Torino.
Nerd Alert!
6 days ago
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