Thursday, November 19, 2009

Very interesting

So I learned who Mr. BlackWife's replacement is today. When we got the email announcement the other day, my coworkers were bemoaning her as a total bitch and saying how much it would suck to work in DEV. Well, I had someone in Communications come to me with a request because reporters are sweating them about the bus accident last night. Communications Lady was looking for someone to explain this guy's driving record to a reporter. While I am perfectly capable of doing that, I didn't want to do that nor do I believe I am allowed to as a lowly CSSI (that sounds so cool, right? Just means customer service person). Anyhow, I suggested she get someone from DEV to speak with the reporter and walked her over there. When I walked to Mr. BlackWife's former office, the new boss was there and Communications Lady joked (sorta) about how I was being so helpful letting my lunch get cold while I helped her figured this out. Mrs. NotMrBlackWife said, "I remember you. You helped me with something a while back ago and you were so helpful I had you written up in [the department newsletter]." And yes, I remember that happening and not having a clue who the heck it praising me was but being pretty happy about it at the time. In fact, it had shown up shortly after my former supervisor had one of those "someone doesn't like your attitude" discussions, so I remember feeling pretty fucking smug about it. Honestly, I am pretty awesome to a lot of customers and fellow employees around here. I only ever hear about the assholes who pout when I don't say hello or dance a goddamn jig when they loll by my cubicle.

Anyway, so knowing that she and I have had one (two if you count today) positive experience makes me feel good about maybe approaching her about the cross-training thing if the BCA job doesn't come through.

Another thing on that, I wasn't quite sure how to handle the "thank you" letter (partly because I couldn't for the life of me remember the names of all three women I interviewed with). Most of my pre-interview communications were via email with one woman, so I sent a "thank you" email to her today. Not sure if that was the right thing to do especially since it's one of my cookie cutter Thank You letters which talk about how confident I am that I'd be a good fit. In retrospect, the note comes off a little arrogant. Hope that doesn't count against me. I'm feeling a little high on myself this week. I'd feel bad about it if I hadn't spent all of last week sick and feeling like crap on a stick and the week before that broke and depressed and cranky. I'm still broke, still coughing (stupid post nasal drip), and this job is sucking some this week, but for some reason I'm just not giving a hot fuck. I feel good, dammit!

I hope I hear something back (positive or negative) about the BCA before we head into Turkey Break next week. I'd love to go into a long weekend with some good news.

Monday, November 16, 2009

You're a lying liar of lies!!!

So I emailed Mr. Blackwife TWO WEEKS AGO regarding starting my training in DEV. I had to ask him a question about something else that same day, and when I walked into his office he quickly informed me that he'd gotten my email. Well, apparently, he didn't' read it or he doesn't think I rate a response because I STILL haven't gotten a response. Granted, I was out ill all of last week, but he didn't necessarily know that and that wouldn't have stopped him from emailing me. So I can only assume at this point that Mr. BlackWife was full of shit when he talked to me about being glad to help me move and grow within this organization. Frankly, even if he did respond at this point, I don't know if I would want to work with him. I recall during the back and forth with my boss her stating he wanted me to "show" that I wanted something more from this place. I flat-out told her I would not be begging him for shit. I can't help but wonder if this is part of why I'm not getting anything from him. Maybe he wants to see just how many emails I will send to him. Well, the answer to that is ONE. I won't count my chickens before they hatch, but I hope my interview with the BCA goes well. I would rather ride an extra 1/2 hour on the bus to work than deal with this bullshit. If he thought this Sista had an attitude before, he ain't seen nothing yet. Now I AM bitter and pissed off and now I WILL be giving him the stink-eye when I see his sorry ass in the hall. Either he was lying when we talked or he doesn't have the balls to tell me it isn't gonna happen for whatever reason. Either way, I don't appreciate being left hanging.

Update 4:20 PM
Well, well, well. Guess who just dropped by my cube to say he hadn't forgotten about me? Why, Mr. BlackWife. That's swell and all, but I still have my fingers crossed for my interview on Wednesday. It's creepy because not only did I post this rant today and he happens to show up, but I was just about to log into Facebook to say how happy I was to be back at work after being out last week.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Mad bullshit!

Some things are pissing me off lately and I'm calling mad bullshit on them.

I call mad bullshit on my boss whining about how our unit doesn't "communicate" with each other, then not bothering to inform ALL OF US about things going on in our unit. One has to lead by example, see? If I have to send a unit-wide email out when I'm gonna miss a day, she maybe should do the same. Changes to the way we do mail, answer phones, or assign tasks is something we ALL need to hear about from THE BOSS, not a fellow co-worker.

I call mad bullshit on my boss acting like we're kindergartners and "punishing" all of us for the actions of one. Fine. Jeans at the front counter don't look professional. Okay. Any of us could be called on to go to the front counter at any time for a variety of reasons. Deal. I will keep a pair of pants (or a skirt) at my desk in case I need to work at the counter on a non-scheduled day. Only ONE PERSON seems to conveniently never have a change of clothes, but does she deal with THAT PERSON? No, she decides to implement a no-jeans policy for everyone. Make like a boss, and BOSS!

On the same tip, I call mad bullshit on my boss throwing up her hands and deciding to let the prisoners run the prison (for lack of a better analogy). She came up with a scheduling plan and some of us were fine with it. Occasionally, people shifted things around, but rarely was it inconvenient to anyone. A handful of people got their whine on, so she decided (without informing all of us) to let each of us do the schedule. Yeah, guess how well that's working out. Someone actually scheduled herself at the counter on a day when she's at a class in the am and leaving early in the pm. Call me crazy for thinking it's either boss or our team leader who should be telling us what to do and when. Perhaps if either of them COMMUNICATED with us by informing us that the schedule was about to be prepared and ASKING us if we had any time off scheduled or classes, some of the scheduling debacle could be eliminated.

I call mad bullshit on my boss telling everybody what she thinks they want to hear. I know people think I "have the boss's ear" (heck, I believe it, to a certain degree). It's great that she feels it's important to listen to everyone's concerns, complaints, and suggestions, but it isn't always useful to say whatever is necessary to appease that person and not share what may be similar issues with EVERYONE.

I call mad bullshit on our unit getting the short-end of the stick. Why is it someone from our unit has to cover the reception desk? Why do we have to sit out at the counter all day while other units lounge at their desks, often not checking their queue so our unit's counter person has to run back and let them know when they have a customer out front? Why can one of our workers go over and cover phones and their counter while they have a department meeting, but our unit has to schedule our meeting an hour before start time rather than have someone from another unit cover for us?

I call mad bullshit on Mr. BlackWife not responding to my email. I emailed him yesterday asking when my cross-training might begin and if there were any problems to let me know. Later, I had to go to him with a customer-related issue. He kindly informed me when I walked in that he'd received my email. Because I had some dude holding on the phone, I didn't dwell on the issue at that moment. I then didn't hear anything else about it and still have not gotten a response.

I was feeling a little guilty about bidding for that BCA job since I was finally seeing potential with a boss I like and possible advancement opportunity. Right now, I'm so annoyed and sick of so much of this bullshit I'm will to suffer through the hour-long bus trip to the sketchier side of St. Paul for what I hope would be a change of scenery.

Monday, November 02, 2009


It's been a while, but that's just cause my life is not that exciting. Since the episode with Mr. BlackWife there hasn't been much going on. We made loose plans for my 'training' to start and so far, nothing has happened. I'm starting to wonder if that was all a bunch of Who-Shot-John on the part of my boss. I don't know. I just know I'm extremely burned-out at this place. Maybe I'm just having a bad day...or week, but it's taken a lot of energy to drag my ass in here the last few weeks.

There was a post for position similar to mine at the BCA and because of my talk with Mr. BlackWife, I initially wasn't gonna apply for it but decided to post a bid for it today (the deadline). Working in DEV is much more along the lines of what I want to do because it would allow me to use my criminal justice education and my psychology course work at the same time. Maybe something like that is available at the BCA, but not likely. Still, I liked working there before (even though it's so far away and it felk less bullshitty than working downtown). I think I'm gonna email Mr. BlackWife (AGAIN) and see if this training thing is gonna happen. If so, I can maybe rescind my bid. If not, well I'll cross my fingers that the BCA hires me and I get through the probation period without cussing out a criminal.

Otherwise, things have been pretty boring. I haven't gone to the movies since Pandorum despite vowing to every other weekend. No Paranormal Activity or Zombieland or District 9. Money's too tight for traipsing off to the theater anyway. I did a good bit of satisfying my horror itch though and now I have no idea what to do with my Netflix queue. I'd love to FINALLY finish season 3 of Dexter, but disc 2 has been a "long wait" since it was released in August. I was gonna see if my local Hollywood Video had it last Wednesday, but um, I missed the memo that told me they were packing up and moving out. If I get desperate maybe I'll check with Blockbuster. Maybe.

My lunch break is almost over and I still haven't gotten any lunch yet, so I'm gonna end this abruptly right here.

This might have been my most boring post ever.