Wednesday, April 23, 2008


You know what I just heard on KDWB? The morning show jocks were discussing Dubya's recent appearance on "Deal or No Deal". I didn't hear the whole conversation, but I came in on the part where Dave said, "Reagan would have never appeared on a game show." That may be true, but his wife might have (if her Miss Cleo has said it's okay) and she did show up on shitty '80s sitcoms and Dynasty(!). But the really crazy part is that he is talking about a man who frequently acted in films with a chimp. Although not while president. He was too busy consulting Mommy's psychic friends and perpetuating unflattering stereotypes about black people to make those kinds of public appearances. The female jock them said, "I wish that there was still some respect for [the office of the presidency]." Yes, because showing up on a lame game show is the reason folks have no respect for the president. We were all hunky-dory until this past Monday.

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