Thursday, October 13, 2011


After seeing that the Onion A.V. Club gave the new presequel of The Thing a C-, I have to remind myself that originally critics HATED John Carpenter's original (and also, Halloween) and well, we all know how that worked. That said, this is not being made by John Carpenter and this doesn't have practical effects but CGI which doesn't look as good to me, and there's no Kurt Russell (unless we get some surprise cameo, but I'm not holding my breath). I am still very excited for this and am already trying to plot and plan when and where I will go see it Saturday morning. Right now, I'm am feeling like getting all adventurous and heading out to Rosedale since it is the only theatre I can get to that has a 10:00 a.m. showing. All the others have starts around 11:30 or later. Boo! I like an early-early show because I hope everyone else is just not motivated to get up and out of bed to go to the movies at that hour. We shall see if I feel like getting up at 8 o'clock just to avoid other people. (I think I kinda am.)

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