Monday, February 11, 2013

Countdown to clean air

I am quitting smoking on Thursday. I bought a pack of cigarettes on Saturday and I want that to be the last pack of cigarettes I ever buy for myself. I have not done very well on diminishing my cigarette intake up to my Quit Day. I have contemplated moving my date, but I fear doing so will make me lose my willpower. I am ready, but I am nervous. I still have crazy-mad cravings now and then. Lately, I get them whenever I am heading to a bus stop. I almost went back to my apartment to get my smokes this morning so I could smoke at the bus stop. Instead, I walked to a different bus stop and the bus showed up right away and then there was a bus waiting at the light. So exercise = not smoking. Right now, it's my break time. I vaguely want to smoke, but not really. I still haven't bought healthy snacks. I bought a lot of other crap though. I'm kinda on the make-up journey. I'm old and my Black isn't cracking, but it's showing it's a age a touch. So I bought a few cheap (clearance and BOGO) foundations. I also bought new boots from Macy's. I did my Fed taxes last week. I need to do the State ones, but I haven't bought printer ink yet. I'm kinda rambling. This is what I do when I don't smoke.

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