Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In the beginning...

I had my last cigarette at the bus stop on the way to Job #2 today. I did bum one from Val when I wanted one really badly at work, but didn't want THAT to be my last one. I have been having cravings, but they aren't terrible. Actually, they seem more based on boredom and a sense that I should be doing something else. See, just now I just had the thought, "Is smoking really that bad?" YES! YES, IT IS!!! The hand-boredom is kinda unexpected. Time to find some new patterns to crochet or knit. On the caffeine front, work is too slow to give that up now. But I am trying to drink more water. This is really random, but I am not real interested in posting every craving on FB. Might be time to start journaling again. I kinda miss it and blogging just ain't the same.

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